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We hope everyone had a lovely September Weekend!

This weeks homework tasks are listed below.


Bananas: Phoneme ‘ee’

Pupils have to complete the phoneme grid in their bag. They have been looking at all representations of ‘ee’.

Core words: thirteen, indeed, please, teach, he, she, thief, believe. these, complete

Task: write words out 3 time each using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method.


Oranges: ‘o_e’ phoneme

home, rope, stole, awoke, hope, smoke

Common words: more, school, Mrs

Task: Write the words out three times each using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method and then write 3 sentences using list words.

Please can you ensure pupils write the full date in literacy tasks, e.g, Monday 1st October and in Numeracy tasks they write a numerical date, e.g, 1.10.19


Maths Homework this week will continue to be the Sumdog challenge which finishes on Thursday. Pupils are doing well and should continue to try to complete as many questions accurately as they can. We are able to track pupils progress.


No set Reading homework for Dragons and Centaurs- Please discuss previous chapters ready for next tasks in class.

Unicorns 1: How Music is Made- Pages 10- end

Unicorns 2: Victorian Adventure- Pages 1-10

Today(Tuesday) Parents’ Night letters have come home. Please fill in and return as soon as possible.

Pupils will bring home their Christmas Card creations this week in a poly pocket. Please fill in the form and return to school if you wish to purchase any items. Please do not fold or crease the master card as it will show up in the printing process and return to school in the poly pocket provided.






Homework for this week has been issued.



Spelling Rule- qu

quit, queen, quiet, quite, quilt, quick, quest, quack, squint, squirrel, squash

In homework jotters write the words out twice using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method. The third time rainbow write the words (change colour for each letter).

Write a funny story using as  many of your words as possible.

Please lay work out carefully and present it neatly with the date written in full at the top and words in three columns across the page.


Oranges –  i-e rule

smile, drive, twice, fire, side, mile, wide, time, prize,  five, life, line

In jotters write words out twice using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method. The third column should be written in rainbow writing. Change the colour for each letter.

Please lay work out carefully and present it neatly with the date written in full at the top and words in three columns across the page.




Sumdog challenge week starts on Friday 27th September. The class have been entered into a competition against other schools.  Pupils have to complete a set of 1000 questions which have been levelled to suit their ability. The challenge is to get as many correct  as they can,  focus on accuracy rather than speed. The competition ends on Thursday 3rd October and there will be daily winners too. I will keep a check on the class progress throughout the week and I can see individuals progress too. Good luck everyone.  This is this weeks only maths homework task as they need to practise using Sumdog for it to calculate their ability level prior to the challenge starting.


Dragons: No specific pages- review chapters read and discuss so far

Centaurs: No specific pages- review chapters read and discuss so far

Unicorns 1: Read pages 13-end  New Book given out also Read pages 1-9

Unicorns 2: A Day in London Read pages 21-32

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in its folder and bring these to school every day.


School will be closed on Friday and Monday due to the September Weekend. Have a lovely time with your families and I look forward to seeing the pupils on Tuesday.





Homework for this week has been issued.



Common words- above, busy, cupboard, eight, eighteen, experiment, first, hear, listen, nine, nineteen, million, surprise, care

In homework jotters write the words out twice using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method. Write the words out  for a third time making the vowels red.

Choose 4 words and write a sentence for each.

Please lay work out carefully and present it neatly.


Oranges – Consolidation Week ‘igh’ and ‘y’ phonemes

sky, fly, why, try, cry

high, right, thigh, bright, might, light

In jotters write words out three times using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method.

Chose two words and write a sentence for each.

Please lay work out carefully and present it neatly.



Triangles- 3 times tables multiplication wheels

Circles– 2 times tables activities

Sumdog tables challenges for both groups set online



Dragons: Read Chapter 5

Centaurs: Read Chapter 5

Unicorns 1: Read pages 1-12

Unicorns 2: A Day in London Read pages 11-20

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in its folder and bring these to school every day.



Burnside- My Local Area mapping task. With your child talk about where they visit locally  and identify 5 places on the map.


We are still waiting return of a few sets of DATA forms which were given out in brown envelopes a few weeks ago. If your child has still to return these, please could you do so this week.


Please ensure P.E kit is kept in school at all times. We often have extra sessions from visiting specialists outwith our timetabled slots and pupils require to change for these.



Hope you all had a lovely weekend?

Homework for this week has been issued.


Bananas – Continuing with the phoneme ‘ae’  pupils have a phoneme grid to complete at home. They can fill in their core words and add as many as they can to each column.

Core words: shade, stray, wait, train, they, break, flame, holiday, valley, great

Could pupils complete a multi-sensory task of their choice also.

Oranges – Phomeme ‘y’

sky, fly, why, try, cry and common words: bring, Mr, two

Could pupils complete two multi-sensory tasks of their choice.



Triangles- 2 digit adding 2 digit worksheet

Circles– Double Dominoes worksheet

Sumdog tables challenges for both groups set online



Dragons: Read Chapters 3 and 4

Centaurs: Read Chapters 3 and 4

Unicorns 1: Read pages 13-24

Unicorns 2: A Day in London Read pages 5- 10

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in its folder  and bring these to school every day.



Scottish landmarks mapping worksheet

Study Ladder: Online safety  quizes 1 and 2 to complete.


Please ensure P.E kit is kept in school at all times. We often have extra sessions from visiting specialists outwith our timetabled slots and pupils require to change for these.


2/9/19 Homework

Spelling Homework:

Bananas: The group were introduced to the phoneme ‘ae’ today and in class looked at all it’s representations. At home this week could the children come up with words in each of the representation. a_e, ay, ai, ey and ea.  No formal tasks this week.

Oranges:  Phoneme ‘igh’  high, right, thigh, bright, might, light

Common Words : who, after, hand, right

Could the pupils please practise the words using the say, make/break, read, write  method and complete a multi-sensory activity of their choice, eg, rainbow writing, magnetic letters, or playdoh letters and learn to spell these words independently for their quiz in class on Friday.


Maths Homework:

Triangles:  3 times table activity sheet.

Pupils were also introduced to fact families today and should be able to explain this at home. They have been asked to practise identifying the 4 calculations that make a fact family in the 3x table. An example is given below;

3 x 4 = 12, 4 x 3 = 12, 12 divided by 4 = 3 and 12 divided by 3 =4.

Circles: Odd and Even numbers sheet and learn its: 6 + 6, 7 +7, 8 + 8 and 9+9

In class they have been learning about halving numbers to 20 so any practise would be beneficial at recalling facts.  They have also been reading and writing numbers beyond 100 and identifying numbers before and after.


Reading Homework:

Dragons:  The Demon Headmaster- Read chapters 1 and 2

Centaurs: George’s Marvellous Medicine- Read chapters 1 and 2

Unicorns 1: Is the Wise Owl Wise? Pages 1-12

Unicorns 2: A Day in London – Pages 1-4

Could I please ask that the Dragons and Centaurs do not read further in the book than allocated each week as this would impact the activities they will do in class.

Please discuss the text with your child and allow opportunities for them to read aloud to a grown up as well as reading quietly to themselves.

Pupils should have a personal reader of their choice to regularly read at their pleasure.




Welcome to Room 7’s Class Blog!

Here you will find weekly information regarding homework tasks which have been set.

Homework is due in on a Friday unless otherwise stated.

We hope everyone has a great year in Primary 4.

Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele

Homework Week Beginning: 26th August

Maths:  Colour graphing task.  Pupil’s have to ask around 20 people their favourite colour and complete a bar graph displaying their results.  This task was started in class.

Pupils should practise their 2 and 3 times tables to ensure quick recall of facts.

Reading and Spelling homework will be given in due course.

Letters given home regarding the ‘Drop In’ Sessions for parent’s on Friday.

If your child still has their clear Reading folder which was given out around Easter time could they please bring it back into school as we require these to send Reading books home.