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Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a lovely time over the holidays and are looking forward to what 2020 brings us all.

This week the children will have spelling, reading and solo talk homework.

Spelling Homework

Bananas: Common words-Unit 4

Common words: Christmas, Easter, season, birthday, centre, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, different, satisfied, juice, stopped

In jotters, write words out 3 times using the LASACAWAC strategy. Choose 4 words and write a dictionary definition for each.

Oranges: ‘ff’ phoneme

Phoneme words: off, cliff, cuff, stiff, different

Common words: three, room, long, tree

In jotters, write words out 3 times using the LASACAWAC strategy. Choose 3 words and write a sentence for each.

Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: A home for Bonnie- Pages 1-16

Unicorns 2: The Giant Jumperee?- Pages 1-12

Centaurs: The Iron Man-  Chapter 3

Dragons: Charlotte’s Web- Chapter 3

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in the clear reading folder provided at all times.

Solo Talk- River Clyde Animal

As discussed before the holidays pupils will have a Solo Talk to complete this term. Each pupil has a leaflet outlining the set criteria in their bag today (Monday 6th). Talks should be ready to be presented week beginning the 20th January.




This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas: Phoneme ‘oe’

Core words: whole alone, those, coast, groan, shallow, window, goes, potatoes, tomatoes

No jotter tasks this week. Pupils to fill in phomeme worksheet using all representations of the phoneme, oe, o_e, ow, oa. If your child wishes to complete a multi-sensory task of their choice they can do so.


Oranges: Consolidation weeks for  ss, ll and e_e phonemes

In homework jotters practise the previous three weeks phoneme words. Pupils can choose a multi-sensory activity to write in jotters this week. They could write words in alphabetical order, rainbow write, fancy write or even backwards write each word.


Maths Homework

Triangle: 3 and 4 times tables

Circles: 10, 5 and 2 times tables


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: A home for Bonnie- Pages 1-12

Unicorns 2: That’s not my  Hobby ?- Pages 13-24

Centaurs: The Iron Man-  Chapter 2

Dragons: Charlotte’s Web- Chapter 2

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in the clear reading folder provided at all times.

Show costumes

We have a few outstanding show costumes. Please ensure your child has their items in class on Tuesday Morning for our first performance.

Class Christmas Party

Our Primary 4 party will be on Wednesday after lunch. Pupils can come to school wearing their party clothes 9 (reminder though they will have to put their Christmas tops on for the shows) or they can change at lunchtime. It is also Christmas lunch day on Wednesday too for those who already returned their order option slip.

Term 2

In Term 2 pupils will be asked to do a short solo talk in class and I would like to give them plenty 0f time to prepare for this.  If they could start to think of an animal that lives in or around the River Clyde or estuary to base their talk on that would be great. Examples are: trout, otter, herons. There are quite a few to choose from. More details will follow shortly as to what to expect and the set criteria.


This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas: Rule words   soft g before e, i and y

judge, ginger, gypsy, giraffe, plunge, giant, magic, allergy, strange, orange

In jotters write words 3 times each using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method on third column use rainbow writing. Choose 4 words and write a sentence for each.


Oranges: ‘ll’ phoneme week

Phoneme words: well, spill, dull, drill, allow, shallow

Common words: will, fell, call

In jotters write words 3 times each using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method and third column use rainbow writing. Choose 3 words and include them each in a sentence.


Maths Homework

Triangle: Pictogram sheet and 3 and 4 times tables

Circles: Venn diagram sheet and 10, 5 and 2 times tables


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: The Perfect Pizza- Pages 1-16

Unicorns 2: That’s not my  Hobby ?- Pages 1-12

Centaurs: The Iron Man-  Chapter 1

Dragons: Charlotte’s Web- Chapter 1

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in the clear reading folder provided at all times.

Show costumes

We have been practising very hard for the Winter Shows.  Could pupils start to bring in a Christmas top/ jumper and some tinsel to wear. These should be in class by Friday at the latest.  Please make sure names are on everything and in a labelled bag.  Many thanks.

Term 2

In Term 2 pupils will be asked to do a short solo talk in class and I would like to give them plenty 0f time to prepare for this.  If they could start to think of an animal that lives in or around the River Clyde or estuary to base their talk on that would be great. Examples are: trout, otter, herons. There are quite a few to choose from. More details will follow shortly as to what to expect and the set criteria.


This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas:  Common words

almost, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer, happened, beautiful, frightened, teacher, difficult, little, Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales

In jotters write words 3 times each using he Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method.  Choose 4 words and write the dictionary definition for each one.


Oranges: ‘ss’ phoneme week

Phoneme words: mess, lesson, class, dress, less, moss, kiss

Common words: four, miss, never, these

In jotters write words 3 times each using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method. Choose 3 words and include them each in a sentence.


Maths Homework

Triangle: Zoo coordinates worksheet and 4 times table

Circles: Pirate directions worksheet and 3 times table


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: What should you eat?- Pages 13- 24

Unicorns 2: How Music is Made  -Whole book

Centaurs: Melting Ice- Pages 1-24

Dragons: Looking after our world- Pages 1-32

These books are all non-fiction. Please have a chat with your child about the content and try to make connections to experiences they may have had. Look at unfamiliar words and help them to try and work out meanings. Ask them questions using the contents and index pages.

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in the clear reading folder provided at all times.


Song words

Pupils now have the words to two Christmas songs. Please could your child practise these as they will be singing without the sheets by the end of this week.





There will be no formal homework this week due to it being a short week.

Pupils have been given home song words for one of our Christmas show songs and would be pleased if they could learn these for next week. So far it sounds lovely.

A few reminders that Scottish hamper items should be in school for Friday at the latest. Many thanks for the items already received.

Any unwanted toys or books can be sent in on Thursday or Friday for the toy stall at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday.




This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas:  Phoneme ‘ie’

Core words: flight, wipe, tie, reply, thigh, smile, tried, myself, night, drive

Extension words: write, lied, trying, tonight, butterfly, cried, brighter, decide, replied, polite

Dictation task: Please could you read aloud the following passage to your child and have them write it in their homework jotter.

A woman was on her way to the shop to buy a pie and a frying pan. She had just waved and smiled to a friend, when a car turning right, hit a patch of ice. She got a huge fright when the car started to skid.


Oranges: Phoneme ‘e_e’

these, here, eve, complete, Steve

Common words: father, head, mother, jump


Dictation task: Please read aloud the following passage to your child and have them write it in their homework jotter.

Steve was busy on Christmas Eve, he had a lot of work to complete. Steve still had to wrap some gifts and put these under the tree.


Maths Homework

Triangle: 4 times table and Symmetry sheet

Circles: 5 times table and 2D Shape hunt


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1:What should you eat? Pages 1-12

Unicorns 2: Korka the Mighty Elf Pages 1-16

Centaurs: Chapters 14 and 15

Dragons: Chapters 14 and 15

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in the clear reading folder provided at all times to protect them from damage.


PE days have changed this term and are now on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their kit on those days. It is helpful if they keep their kit  in school in case of any additional PE sessions.


IDL: Glasgow Homework

The bridge building project was a great success so following on from this we will be looking at ship building and designing our own simple ships in class. Pupils will be learning about displacement, buoyancy and materials. At home pupils should test out theories of floating and sinking and try to work out what materials might be best to use on a boat.



This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas:  Core words Phoneme representation for ‘ie’

flight, wipe, tie, reply, thigh, smile, tried, myself, night, drive

Pupils have to complete the phoneme grid they started in class.  No jotter tasks this week but pupils have to chose 2 multi-sensory activities to do at home.


Oranges: ‘u_e’ phoneme and ‘a_e’ phoneme consolidation week


Pupils can choose 2 multi- sensory activities to complete at home. No jotter tasks this week.


Maths Homework

Triangle: 3D Shape properties worksheet and 4 times table

Circles: 2 D and 3 D shape worksheet and 3 times table


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: Changing Shape (whole book)

Unicorns 2: Is the Wise Owl Wise Pages 13-16

Centaurs: Chapters 12 and 13

Dragons: Chapters 12 and 13

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in the clear reading folder provided at all times.


PE days have changed this term and are now on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their kit on those days. It is helpful if they keep their kit  in school in case of any additional PE sessions.


IDL: Glasgow Homework

This week in class we will be putting our bridge plans into action. Pupils have been bringing in resources to help with the construction of their team bridges. All items must be in by Wednesday at the latest.


This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas:  Common words

Pupils have to write their words out three times using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method.  Then choose 4 words and write a sentence for each.

accident, below, cloudy, eleven, football, group, holiday, I’m, I’ve, playtime, practising, whispered, emotion, knew


Oranges: ‘u_e’ phoneme

June, ruler, rude, flute, rule

common words: every, find, want, girl

Pupils have to write their words out three times using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method. Then choose 4 words and write a sentence for each.


Maths Homework

Triangle: 4 Times table sheet

Circles: 10 Times table sheet


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: The Giant Jumparee  Pages 1-16

Unicorns 2: Is the Wise Owl Wise Page 1-12

Centaurs: Chapter 10 and 11

Dragons: Chapters 10 and 11

Please ensure pupils keep their reading book in the clear reading folder provided at all times.


PE days have changed this term and are now on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their kit on those days. It is helpful if they keep their kit  in school in case of any additional PE sessions.


IDL: Glasgow Homework

Over the next few weeks in class the pupils will be working in teams to create a bridge which will stand up to the pressure of holding 5 books from the class library and be able to drive a toy car across it. This activity links our topic to our  STEM technology tasks. At home pupils should try to come up with design ideas/ discuss ideas for the structure and locate possible materials it can be constructed from. If possible, items for building can be brought into school this week and we will ensure these are returned home when the task is complete.  We have been looking at different bridges in Glasgow but it would be helpful when out and about to try and draw attention to the different types of bridges in and around Glasgow and discuss what they are made from and how they are used.




Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely time during the October holiday!

This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas: Rule Week ‘soft c coming before e sound’

Pupils have to write their words out three times using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method.  Then choose 4 words and write a sentence for each.

face, fancy, rice, dance, prince, celery, police, centre, juice, cylinder


Oranges: ‘a_e’ phoneme

cake, came, spade, brake, name, sale

common words: take, gave, cold, don’t

Pupils have to write their words out three times using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method. Then choose 4 words and write a sentence for each.



Maths Homework

Triangle: 3 Times table sheet

Circles: Number bonds sheet


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: That’s not my Hobby Pages 13 to end

Unicorns 2: Victoria Adventure Pages 21-32

Centaurs: Chapters 8 and 9

Dragons: Chapters 8 and 9

PE days have changed this term and are now on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their kit on those days. It is helpful if they keep their kit  in school in case of any additional PE sessions.




This weeks homework tasks are listed below.

Spelling Homework

Bananas: Phoneme ‘ee’ week 2

Pupils have to revise all core words and extension words and can choose a multi- sensory activity of their choice (no jotter tasks).

Core words: thirteen, indeed, please, teach, he, she, thief, believe, these, complete

Extension words: fourteen, between, cheat, speak, she, we, relieve, mischief, these, complete

Task: Dictation- Can you read the following passage to your child and have them write it down.

It happened yesterday on my way home from the shops. Mum had agreed to let me go on ahead. I could not believe it. My cat was up to mischief at the top of a very tall tree.


Oranges: ‘o_e’ phoneme and ‘i_e’ phomeme consolidation week

home, rope, stole, awoke, hope, smoke

smile, drive, twice, fire, side, mile, wide, time, prize

Task: Choose 2 multisensory tasks to complete at home (no jotter work)


Maths Homework

Triangle: Ordering 4 digit numbers sheet

Circles: Number bonds sheet and 2 times table practice


Reading Homework

Unicorns 1: That’s not my Hobby Pages 1-12

Unicorns 2: Victoria Adventure Pages 11-20

Centaurs: Chapters 6 and 7

Dragons: Chapters 6 and 7


Today(Monday) Parents’ Night appointment letters and Interim Reports were issued. Room 7 also visited the book fair and had a look. If they would like to make a purchase money can be brought in on Wednesday.

Please could all Christmas Card orders please be in by Thursday at the very latest.

We hope you all have a lovely October break and enjoy your family time together.