Useful links

Today I thought Iā€™d give you some useful links for other
things to do.

This is a link to a daily exercise routine by Joe Wickes, the Body Coach.

Glasgow Science Centre are conducting daily experiments.

Remember also you can watch Newsround on the CBBC website.

Steven Brown the Scottish Artist has also provided a free colouring in sheet for his giraffes. He liked that children were drawing rainbows and putting them in their windows to spread joy and thought people could spread even more colour with his pictures.



One thought on “Useful links

  1. Dear parent/carers,

    I hope you are all coping and managing to have a little fun in what is a very ‘different’ time.

    Boys and girls, please do comment to keep up up-to-date with how you are all doing, we look forward to hearing from you all.

    Take care, missing you all lots.
    Mr. Miller šŸ™‚

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