We hope everyone had a lovely September Weekend!
This weeks homework tasks are listed below.
Bananas: Phoneme ‘ee’
Pupils have to complete the phoneme grid in their bag. They have been looking at all representations of ‘ee’.
Core words: thirteen, indeed, please, teach, he, she, thief, believe. these, complete
Task: write words out 3 time each using the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method.
Oranges: ‘o_e’ phoneme
home, rope, stole, awoke, hope, smoke
Common words: more, school, Mrs
Task: Write the words out three times each using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method and then write 3 sentences using list words.
Please can you ensure pupils write the full date in literacy tasks, e.g, Monday 1st October and in Numeracy tasks they write a numerical date, e.g, 1.10.19
Maths Homework this week will continue to be the Sumdog challenge which finishes on Thursday. Pupils are doing well and should continue to try to complete as many questions accurately as they can. We are able to track pupils progress.
No set Reading homework for Dragons and Centaurs- Please discuss previous chapters ready for next tasks in class.
Unicorns 1: How Music is Made- Pages 10- end
Unicorns 2: Victorian Adventure- Pages 1-10
Today(Tuesday) Parents’ Night letters have come home. Please fill in and return as soon as possible.
Pupils will bring home their Christmas Card creations this week in a poly pocket. Please fill in the form and return to school if you wish to purchase any items. Please do not fold or crease the master card as it will show up in the printing process and return to school in the poly pocket provided.