Tag Archives: Hwb

Kindness is our Super Power

P4/5 have been discussing ways to show kindness.

Firstly we asked ourselves ‘What does kindness mean?’ We came up with lots of ideas:

Kindness is:

  • being friendly, generous and considerate of others;
  • showing goodwill to others;
  • being concerned when others are upset or worried;
  • helping people when they need you;
  • doing something nice for someone else, without expecting anything
    in return.

We spoke about the ways we could show kindness, such as:

  • Smiling at people.
  • Helping  someone if they fall over.
  • Going to sit with someone who is sitting alone (if they want you to).
  • Sitting next to someone at lunchtime you would not normally sit with.
  • Asking someone how they are.
  • Saying  good morning.
  • Saying  something nice to as many people as possible.
  • Holding doors for others.

We have decided that people who show excellent and consistent examples of kindness will be awarded a ‘Super Hero’ badge which they will wear for the week. Pupils, teachers and helpers can all nominate someone for the badge by sharing an example of the kindness they have been shown.

We hope that everybody can be a ‘Super Hero’ !

Today’s Super Heroes were Lori, Carrie and Ella – very well done! (18.1.19)

This weeks Super Heroes were Tom, Leanna and Ruby – Congratulations! (25.1.19)


This week’s superheroes were Murry, Flora and Alice – Congratulations! (8.2.19)

This week’s superheroes were Lee, Megan and Joe – Well done you three! (15.2.19)

This week’s superheroes were Michael, James and Reece – congratulations! 20-2-19

Congratulations to this week’s superheroes – Reuben, Aaron and Matilda! 1.3.19

Well done to this week’s Superheroes – Alice and Lee! 28.3.19

Keeping Active

Health and Well Being

We have been looking at why we need to be active as part of our Health and Wellbeing this term.

We know that being active helps us to become strong and healthy.

We know that moving counts as exercise and we could name lots of activities we do outside or at the Leisure Centre: for example, swimming, football, and playing in the play-park.

This week we were looking at types of exercise we could do in a small space. We made a list that included star jumps, jogging on the spot, and hopping.

We wanted to find out how many of each exercise we could do in a minute, so we needed to use stopwatches and count.

We also wanted to look at what happened to our bodies after doing a minute of each exercise – we discovered that our faces go red, we can start to ‘pech’,we can become thirsty, hungry and tired!


We are active!