All posts by Mrs Nisbet

STEM Workshop – P7b

Primary 7b were recently given the opportunity to learn more about STEM subjects and the careers that they can lead to. We were given the opportunity to program robots to do all kinds of cool things. We learned how to make it move backwards and forwards, lift it’s arm up and down, use a sensor and to do cool displays and make sounds. Robots are able to do many jobs that are too dangerous for people, in the next few years robot use is going to become more and more common so it was great to get the chance to program one!

Outdoor Education

Primary 7b recently enjoyed a fantastic outdoor journey in Kergord Woods. Our spirits were not dampened, despite it being quite a wet day!

We were given oportunites to explore, climb and build dens before settling to a cosy lunch in front of a fire.

It was a fantastic day that none of us are likely to forget in a hurry!

Remembrance Assembly

Primary 7 have been learning about remembrance this term. They were horrified to discover some of the conditions soldiers endured during World War One.

Mr Sandison from the Anderson High School visited to explain some of the experiences that Shetlanders had in the war. Pupils went on to write War Poems, remembering those who fought. Primary 7 presented their poems at assembly.

Children in Need

Primary 7 have spent a very busy week preparing for Children in Need. They planned a variety of fun activities to fundraise for the charity, including a hair and nail salon, bake and toy stalls, a jungle gym and a selection of games. Everybody had so much fun and pupils managed to raise a total of £1188.15!

Outdoor Fun at Kirkabister for 7B

It was the start of the morning everyone was pleased because it was the day of outdoor education. Everyone was screaming with joy. The next thing they all knew was that it was time to go. All the children got on to mini buses, a red and a blue bus.
Then the children went to the stores to get some gear on like life jackets, helmets and a wetsuit. There were two men and one lady. Then it was time to get on the bus to Nesting .
When everybody got to Nesting each person had a bit to eat then everyone went through a field of sheep. Then everybody got into the sea, it was so cold. Everyone was like an otter and most people jumped in with a big splash.
Every one swam to Lucky’s cave then all of us had lunch at the beach and heard a story about Lucky’s Cave. The story was all about a sheep called Lucky because one day a sheep was told don’t go near the edge of the cliff but the sheep did not listen to his mum and he fell of the cliff and swam to a rock and faced to a wall and knew it was death but then Pete came along to save the sheep. He was saved and it was a wonderful story. Then we went into a cave, it was dark but no one was scared. Thankfully then we got out for lunch. We had to walk a little but then everyone got lunch, it was good. Next we had to go back to the stores to take off the wet suit, shoes and the helmet. It took a bit of effort to get it off but in the end we did and went back to school.

The day had been good and everyone learnt something new. We all had the best adventure in the world the end.