P6 Victorian Trip

Primary 6 visited the Lerwick Town Hall to gather information on how it was built during Victorian Shetland and to find out how it is used now.

The Town Hall was built in 1883 and originally cost £4000 to build. 

We started in the council chambers where Shetland’s 22 councillors now gather together to discuss important issues.  This room was originally called the Burra Courtroom, where a magistrate would sentence criminals.  From the courtroom, inmates would be taken down to the cells, which is now where the oil tank is stored!

We learned about the stories of the stained glass windows throughout the Town Hall as well as the other decorations throughout the building.  The story of the bell and steering wheel was particularly interesting, having come all the way from Norway.  The Norwegian navy gifted this to Shetland from theirn Motor Torpedo Boat (MB) after helping them escape the Nazis back in World War 2.

From the Town Hall we visited the Fort and sketched the changes we can see today after looking through Victorian photographs.

Next, we visited the museum and learned about the different jobs that are available in Shetland.  We took part in a Victorian School workshop, where we wrote on slate and also with ink.  A lot of us got very messy!  Mr Christie showed us a strap and photos of Shetland schools in Victorian times.  Yvonne then took us on a tour of the museum, showing us what life was like in both the town and country.  There was quite a difference!