Learn to Swim Launch Event

Our pupils who attend swimming lessons at Clickimin were recently invited to join Commonwealth Games medal winner and Olympic Swimmer, Hannah Miley in the pool to celebrate the launch of their new Learn to Swim programme.

Pupils from P1-P7 took part in Learn to Swim lessons with Clickimin coaches. Hannah demonstrated strokes and gave advice to participants before joining in with our younger pupil’s games.

P4 Learner Led Numeracy Event


Pupils in both primary 4 classes invited in members of their families to take part in our Learner Led numeracy event.


They shared the new homework number notion packs and tried out some of the activities.

The number notion packs include lots of exciting resources to help us with our maths inclulding a whiteboard pen, a big number line, strawberry digit cards, a clock and a cool number tube that we can squash to make numbers and sums!


We are looking forward to trying out our new homework activities from next week. Some of us were so excited we tried to take it home today!


P4A Shape Success

P4A have been learning about shapes in class. We have looked at 2D shapes and 3D objects.

We made shapes using construction materials and toys in the school.

We labelled the vertices and edges. We could not label the faces as there was nowhere to selloptape on the label!


We made 2D shapes and labelled the sides, corners and the shape.

We had lots of fun making 2D shapes and 3D objects with our friends.

P7 Remembrance

P7 recently had the opportunity to visit the Lerwick Methodist Kirk to experience remembrance.

We learned about personal and global conflict and thought about ways to deal with conflict in our lives.

We heard stories of local people who fought in both world wars and learned more about what it means to remember.

We also took time to visit the local war memorial to find the names of some of the men who fought and died during WW1 and WW2.