Road Safety Week

Our JRSOs were busy during Road Safety week. They helped Mrs Skinley, Road Safety Officer with an assembly on cycle safety. They also organised a competition where pupils designed cycle helmets.

With the colder weather and dark nights they have been on hand with advice about staying safe on the way to and home from school.

Well done to James and Eva who won a local Shetland-wide competition to name a gritter.Moorie Mover and Plougher Power were their winning entries. They went to Nesting Primary School for the prizegiving and afternoon tea.


Thanks to our friends at Total who gave everyone at Sound Primary School a reflective armband so cars can spot our pupils in the darker afternoons.


AHS Scottish Book Week Quiz

Primary 7 went to the AHS last week to take part in a quiz. The quiz took place in the English department with some of the English teachers. It was a great chance for P7 to look around the AHS. They loved the library and are looking forward to more visits this year in preparation for the transition to S1 in August.