Tag Archives: Space

Our Visit to the Planetarium

We were lucky to have a visit from Mr Rose with planetarium in Sound Hall. We got to go inside and experience the night sky. Unfortunately it was too dark to take photos inside but we can tell you all about it.

It was so dark that we couldn’t see when we came in. – Peter

When we went inside we could see the stars. Mr Rose could predict the future of stars as it was a starry night! – Jenson

It was awesome! – Isaac

We saw a little red spot moving around – Marc

Me, Mark, Fraser and James got sore heads from the spinning – Michael

Inside the planetarium we saw the great bear and little bear. When we went in we saw a red spot and a bright blue spot. The different colours told us how hot the stars were. – Jed

It looks small from the outside but it was really big inside. I fell over in it! – Mark

It was amazing seeing the star constellations. I really enjoyed hearing the stories! – Erin

The pictures looked amazing when we could see the constellations – Jenna

I wish we could see it again! – Lauree-Ann

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Thank you Mr Rose

This afternoon we had our last visit from Mr Rose. He has been coming in each week to help us learn about Space. We have learned loads! Did you know that it takes Pluto 247 Earth years to orbit the sun? We were sad to see him leave so at the end of his session a few of his asked for his autograph!


We look forward to seeing him again in two weeks when he visits us with the planetarium!

Investigating Moon Phases

Yesterday we began to learn about the phases of the moon. We spoke about what we already know about the moon and realised that it does not always appear the same.

We watched a video on TigTag which demonstrated how the moon’s orbit around the Earth means that it appears to change over a lunar month (28 days.) The appearance of the moon changes dependent on the position of the moon, the sun and the Earth. This is because we see the Earth when sunlight reflects off of it. We learned that there are 8 different phases which the moon passes through.

We then got into pairs or groups of three and created a model to show the phases using a creative medium – oreos!



We had to problem solve to figure out which stage happens when. When we were finished they looked like this:100_1175

We even managed to wait until after assembly to eat them!!


Creating a to scale model of the Solar System

This afternoon we investigated the scale of our Solar System.

Firstly we watched this video which helped to show us the huge relative size of the planets within our Solar System. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaOPsmlJyw8

We then got into our Home Teams and using rulers, compasses and our tables with relative scales, each Home Team created a rocky planet and a gas planet.

Next, we arranged all our planets in the correct order and used another scale to show how far away each planet is from the sun.


Us with our model solar system

Us with our model solar system

Space with Mr Rose

Today we had a visitor to class. Mr Rose came in to talk to us and the 5B about Space. He will be coming in each week. We loved learning lots of facts from him and had lots of interesting questions to ask him as well.

Here are some facts we learned:

  • It 32 years to count to a billion
  • Earth travels 1000 miles per hour
  • Everything wants to go to the core of the Earth. This is called gravity.
  • If you have no strength you would not be able to stand up
  • The moon is a satellite of Earth
  • The sun is a star
  • It takes 11 and a half days to count to a million

We can’t wait to find out more about the solar system next week!