Monthly Archives: May 2017

Show Time!

Today was the big day – we performed our mini opera – Dinosaurs Make an Opera – for which we had written the story, songs, and designed the set and props. We spent all day working with Andy Ross to fine tune our performance before giving two performances to the P1 and 2s, and the P3-5s.

Here are some photos of us designing the set:

We also created characters in our Home Teams:

Some of us even stayed in at lunch time to finish off our props:

Finally we were ready to perform:

We’ve had such a brilliant day and were really proud of ourselves after all our hard work. A big thank you to Andy for all his help!


Scottish Water Visit

Today we were lucky to have a visit from Jim Anderson from Scottish Water to help us with our topic.

We learned lots about the jobs they do to treat water from sink to sea and sea to sink. Scottish Water is owned by us, meaning that the money it makes affects us.

Here are some facts we learned:

  • Scottish Water supplies 2.4 billion households in Scotland and 12458 in Shetland.
  • In Shetland the water mains are 670 miles long.
  • Scottish Water produced 1.3 billion litres of fresh water a day.
  • The tanks at Sandloch hold enough water to fill a quarter of a million baths
  • A waste pipe is as wide as a CD.

We also did an experiment to show us why we should only flush toilet water down the toilet. The ‘flushable’ wipe didn’t dissolve and we saw pictures of the people who have to clean the rags, oils and fats from the pipes – the photos looked horrible!

Here are some photos of our experiment:

We enjoyed our visit and learned a lot – thanks Jim!

Unicef Concert – Day for Change

This afternoon, along with the other P5 class, P4,  P6 and the choir put together an amazing concert to share our learning about refugees this year and raise money for UNICEF.

Mark and Michael, along with the rest of the Rights Respecting School commitee, introduced the concert – well done to them!

Each class played a song from a country affected by emergencies or war. Ours was a peace song from Somalia. We played guitars, xylophones and fiddles. We did really well and really enjoyed it!

Some of us are part of the choir and we performed four songs to end the concert.

Beyond the Panda

This afternoon we were lucky to have a visit, along with the other P5 class  from Sandie Robb from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. She talked to us about Giant and Red Pandas, and helped us a bit with Mandarin.

We took part in six different activities which were fun and helped us to learn all about these interesting animals!

We ran away to the circus!

Today we were lucky enough to go to the circus at King Harald Street playpark. We had so much fun! We got split into three groups and got to try out different tricks. Some of us were even interviewed by Radio Shetland!

Library Fun

Today we had our first chance to explore the new library. Everyone involved in the project has done a super job! We think it looks magical now!

We love the water cycle!

Yesterday afternoon we had lots of fun learning about the different types of clouds. We created these pictures using cotton wool to show the different types. We think they look great!

We are also big fans of the Water Cycle Song.

Here are some pictures of us dancing along!



A visit from Mind Your Head

Today we had a visit from Mind Your Head. We learned about mental health. Imogen Leslie drew these characters to show what had been going on in her mind.

We learned about Ashley, Devon, Sydney and Terry. They represented mental health issues – anxiety, self confidence, stress and depression.

If we feel like any of these characters we should tell our friends, a teacher, or another adult.

We know that it is normal to feel like any of these characters.

Thank you to Chenet – our photographer!

States of Water

Today we have been learning about the three states of water – solid, liquid and gas.

We put liquid water into a kettle, and watched as it turned to gas. We also saw how a big block of solid water (ice) melted into water in our classroom.

We had fun acting as molecules to show how these changes take place.

Well done to Ella, who was our photographer!

Generation Science

This morning we were lucky to have a visit from Generation Science who are part of the Edinburgh Science Festival. They performed for about fifty minutes, in a fun interactive show where we learned about electricity and renewable energy.

We had lots of fun!