Tag Archives: Scottish Water

Scottish Water Visit

Today we were lucky to have a visit from Jim Anderson from Scottish Water to help us with our topic.

We learned lots about the jobs they do to treat water from sink to sea and sea to sink. Scottish Water is owned by us, meaning that the money it makes affects us.

Here are some facts we learned:

  • Scottish Water supplies 2.4 billion households in Scotland and 12458 in Shetland.
  • In Shetland the water mains are 670 miles long.
  • Scottish Water produced 1.3 billion litres of fresh water a day.
  • The tanks at Sandloch hold enough water to fill a quarter of a million baths
  • A waste pipe is as wide as a CD.

We also did an experiment to show us why we should only flush toilet water down the toilet. The ‘flushable’ wipe didn’t dissolve and we saw pictures of the people who have to clean the rags, oils and fats from the pipes – the photos looked horrible!

Here are some photos of our experiment:

We enjoyed our visit and learned a lot – thanks Jim!