Author Archives: Mrs Lawson
Mandarin with Miss Zhang
This term we have begun to learn Mandarin with Miss Zhang. She also teaches us about China. Here are some facts we have learned:
- China has a population of 1.3 billion people
- An average school in China has 3,500 people in it
- In school in China you have to stand up to ask a question
- There are over 50 different Chinese languages
We are looking forward to learning to do some writing next week!
Shared Reading with P2B
Today we had a lovely visit from Primary 2B. We each worked with one or two of the younger pupils and read together and spoke about our books. We really enjoyed it and hope they visit again soon.
Space Drama with Izzy and Happy Birthday, Mark!
Today we had a visit from Izzy Swanson. She will be visiting us each week this term to do some Space drama with us. Today we had to imagine we were going to Mars and think about what we would need up there. We each created a character and hot seated to tell Izzy about our character. We really enjoyed it and look forward to next week!
It is also Mark’s birthday today. Here is a picture of him with his card from the class. Happy birthday, Mark!
Golden Time
Marc brought his fiddle into school on Friday. During Golden Time, he played us Bonnie Tammie Scolla and the Foula Reel. Well done Marc!
We made birthday cards during Golden Time which will mean that everyone will get a birthday card from the class on their birthday. Jenna had her birthday during the holidays so we sang Happy Birthday to her and gave her one of the cards. We hope you had a lovely day, Jenna!
We’ve had a great first week in Primary 5 as we have settled back into school and into the Senior Wing. We are looking forward to the year ahead.
Space with Mr Rose
Today we had a visitor to class. Mr Rose came in to talk to us and the 5B about Space. He will be coming in each week. We loved learning lots of facts from him and had lots of interesting questions to ask him as well.
Here are some facts we learned:
- It 32 years to count to a billion
- Earth travels 1000 miles per hour
- Everything wants to go to the core of the Earth. This is called gravity.
- If you have no strength you would not be able to stand up
- The moon is a satellite of Earth
- The sun is a star
- It takes 11 and a half days to count to a million
We can’t wait to find out more about the solar system next week!
Welcome to Primary 5A!
Welcome to our class blog! We look forward to sharing our learning with you throughout the year. Please comment on our posts to let us know that you have read them! Please remember to check our blog regularly to keep up to date.
Thank you,
Miss McIntyre
Our first day
After catching up on each other’s holiday news, today we worked in groups to create a Class Charter in line with the Rights Respecting School Award. We looked at the rights we have within the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We worked in groups to answer four questions:
- A good classmate is…
- In our class we should feel…
- To be successful this year we will need…
- In our class we should…
After we had each had a chance to answer the questions on post it notes we drew them together to create our Class Charter which we have all agreed with and have signed.
We are looking forward to our year ahead!