Monthly Archives: June 2017

Happy holidays!

What a fun week we have had! We’ve spent time looking back at everything we’ve done this year and enjoyed watching a slideshow of everything we’ve been up to!

Thank you to everyone for being super in P5A and I wish you lots of luck in Primary 6. Enjoy the holidays!

Miss McIntyre

Fabulous Fairy Cakes

This term we have been learning all about measure. Today we put this knowledge into action as we made cupcakes in the cottage.

After we had finished putting the mixture into the cases we put them into the oven for twenty minutes and enjoyed doing the washing up!

Then, after lunch, we decorated them using glace icing and sprinkles. All our hard work was worth it!

Here is the recipe we used if anyone would like to try it at home –


Outdoor Classroom Fun

We’ve made use of the beautiful day today by going outside for our numeracy lesson. We got trundle wheels and found lots of things to measure working in our Home Teams. We worked really well together. Miss McIntyre was impressed!

Quendale Mill, Bigton Playpark and Sands of Sound

What an amazing day we have had in P5A.

This morning we went down to the Quendale Mill and had a great time being shown around by John and completing a scavenger hunt.

After that we went to Bigton playpark which was brilliant. We enjoyed eating our packed lunches in the sun.

Finally, we got back to Lerwick and spent the afternoon at Sands of Sound – some of us got very wet!

French Fun

This term we have been learning how to talk about the weather in French. This morning we have enjoyed consolidating our learning through games. We all played really well together.

We have also made beautiful mini illustrated books to show our learning.

Pond-Dipping Fun

We have had another amazing afternoon in the sun with Mr Rose. Today we went to the burn near the school and looked at what fresh water creatures we could find. We found snails, eels, spiders and wet feet as well as much more!

Election Fever has hit 5A

We have had a busy couple of weeks with a mini topic learning all about the snap General Election. We started by finding out about the candidates standing in Shetland and Orkney and found out about the main political parties.

This morning we looked at the election results in our constituency and made bar graphs to show the results.

This afternoon we finished creating our manifestos and those of us who wanted to stand for election presented them to the class. We done to Michael who won the class election! We have learned a lot and had lots of fun along the way!

Helping out in the garden and polytunnel

We had great fun on Wednesday afternoon helping out in the garden and polytunnel to tidy up. We worked well together!

Scottish Opera Performance – Tam o Shanter!

What an amazing day we have had! A huge thank you to the Scottish Opera staff and Ms Irvine who helped us learn the songs. We are all very proud of ourselves.

Our Trip to the Sands of Sound

Yesterday afternoon, after sports day, we had a trip to the beach with Mr Rose who helped us to look around rock pools. It was amazing what we could find using sieves! We found hermit crabs, sea snails, jellyfish, whelks and a fifteen spined stickleback (among many more!)

Thank you Mr Rose!