Monthly Archives: March 2017

Growing Tatties in the Polytunnel!

This morning we went outside with Mrs Moar to the polytunnel. We got tatties from the Grow Your Own Potatoes project and are looking forward to seeing the results.

Isaac – it was cool!

Jenna – It is fun!

Chenet – I loved finding the slaters.

Ellla – I love finding slaters as well.

Jed – It was pretty easy to plant the tatties.

Live Workout with Joe Wicks

Jenna – Today we did a live workout with the Body Coach, Joe Wicks.

It was a workout for schools. Here is what we have to say:

Kealan – It was sort of sore!

Peter – It was a very tiring workout because he is very flexible!

Chenet – I felt a stretch all over my body!

Jenson – I thought it was pretty fun!

Mark – It was pretty sore!

Jenna – The stretches were fun!


Today with Miss Che we learned how to write Mandarin numbers using calligraphy. Miss Che showed us how to hold the brush correctly. We used magic paper to write with water. It was magic because our writing disappeared! We really enjoyed it!

Shetland Sumdog Competition

We have been taking part in the Shetland Sumdog competition. Sumdog is a really fun way to practice our maths! We are in a league with over 30 other classes in Shetland. We are determined to finish in the top ten.

Here are some words we have to describe taking part:

  • I love it! – Jenson
  • It’s fun! – Lauree-Ann
  • It’s really fun! – James
  • It’s double, triple fun! – Kealan

Taste – Terrific Scientific!

Are you a super taster? Super tasters experience bitter tastes more strongly than other people; this is because they have a higher number of taste receptors within fungiform papillae, the big pink bumps on your tongue which contain your taste buds, enabling you to taste sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. By counting the number of fungiform papillae, you will be able to determine whether you are a super taster, taster or non taster.

This week is British Science Week! To celebrate, this afternoon we took part in an experiment which is part of the BBC Terrific Scientific series of lessons.

We put blue food colouring on our tongues and then poked our tongues out through a hole in a card. We had to count how many pink bumps we could see. These were our fungiform papilliae. In our class, 12 were non-tasters and only 4 were tasters.

After taking part in the experiment we watched the Live Lesson as a class. It was really fun and interactive.

Did you know that tastebuds only last for 10-14 days? We are continually growing new ones!

Well done also to Jenna who today completed a Fair Isle purse. It’s lovely!


Cooking with Marian Armitage

Today, both primary 5 classes were very lucky to have a visit from Marian Armitage today. She cooked mussels, megrim, crab, octopus, scallops and made mackerel pate.

We learned lots about the seafood, which was all caught locally!

The megrim was caught near Skerries. We got to see a whole one and could see that it is a flat fish with two eyes on the same side. It gets exported to Spain and Portugal. She cooked it with butter and grapes. It was very yummy!

The octopus was also caught in Shetland. It had been poached and then was made into a Mediterranean salad with tatties, tomatoes and peppers.

The crab was caught in Sumburgh by Marian’s neighbour. It had two types of meat – brown and white. She removed the ‘dead men’s fingers’ (the gills) and stomach bag. She used a hammer to break up the crab before removing the meat. It was really tasty with lemon juice and a little bit of real Shetland mayonnaise.

The mussels came from Christopher Thomason in Cullivoe. They were boiled and tasted really good! The mussels grow on ropes hanging in the sea. They need a good wash and the beard needs removed. If it doesn’t close or is cracked, they need put in the bin.

The scallops were caught by the Radiance off of Skerries. They are dredged from the sea bed. She cooked them in butter and wrapped them in bacon. It was really interesting to see the shells which they came from. They are usually processed at a factory in Scalloway.

Finally, we got to make mackerel pate on oatcakes. The pate tasted lovely. It had smoked mackerel, cream cheese, pepper and lemon, and was topped with dill and capers.

We’ve had such a super day and learned a lot. We got to try lots of seafood which we hadn’t tried before. Thank you very much to Ruth Henderson at So Much to Sea for organising it and to Marian for taking the time to come in to teach us!

Our Visit to the Shetland Museum

This afternoon we were lucky to visit the Shetland Museum to find out more about the fishing industry in the past to help us with our project.

We found out about the fishing communities of the past, looked inside an old croft house, found out about the types of fish which were caught, looked at a sixereen and found out about what our jobs would have been, and even got to play an xbox game which looked around Fethaland Fishing Station.

We learned a lot and really enjoyed our visit. Thank you very much to Yvonne for showing us around and sharing lots of interesting information!

Myths and Legends – Cooperative Learning

When we started our project, some of us said that we wanted to research myths and legends related to the sea.

Today we got into cooperative learning groups with researchers, writers and illustrators. We also had social roles and had to act as encouragers, time keepers and resource managers.

We’ve managed lots of research already and are looking forward to sharing our learning with the class.

World Book Day!

Today we celebrated World Book Day. Lots of us dressed up in the school, including the teachers! We’ve held a sponsored Reading Relay for Bookaid – one class had to be in the library at all times!

We also got a visit from the nursery. We thought they looked great! We are looking forward to more book activities in the afternoon!