All posts by Miss Ross

Euro Quiz and End of Topic Celebration

10 pupils from P6 went to Lerwick to compete in the regional heats against P6 pupils from across Shetland. This was to try and win a place in the  Euro Quiz 2024 final . The class faced some tricky questions but both teams did extremely well with only 1 point between them for their final scores. We didn’t quite make the final this year but a fun day out had by all!

Back in school the rest of P6 spent the morning baking cookies and fudge. The also enjoyed melting chocolate over strawberries and marshmallows. This was part of our class topic investigating fairtrade foods. The class used a range of fairtrade products to bake with all pupils enjoying the treats at the end of the day.

Term 3 in P6

P6  have been learning about Rainforests as part of their class topic. They have made models out of clay to show different food chains.


P6 have been learning about fairtrade products. They researched and compared prices during a math’s lessons.

After this the class used their budgeting skills to come up with a recipe they bake  in class using fairtrade products.


The P6 have been demonstrating their leadership skills by teaching P1 and P2 playground games during class PE time.

P6 joined P2 to help with laptop skills during  P2 topic lessons. Lots of pupils were excited to work with their older siblings.

Hello Primary 6

I hope you have enjoyed this week getting a chance to play in the snow.

Its been great to see photos of your snow days this week. Please click the link below which will show you a overview of what we will be learning this term.

A paper copy will go home next week as well.  Have a lovely weekend and see you all back in school next week.

Miss Ross

Term 3 Overview


Term 2 Improving Writing Programme

This Term Primary 6 have been taking part in the National Improving Writing Programme. The class have been writing 3 times a week in 15 minutes slots focusing on very specific targets.

We took the data from our Pareto chart to see what the class needed to work on first.


The class started with punctuation working on capital letters, full stops, commas, speech marks and apostrophes. Here are examples of punctuation we used highlighted in yellow.

The class used the talk for writing style to retell the story of the gingerbread man. Some of the class changed he characters to create their own version of the gingerbread man.  We got really good at speech marks using familiar stories!

Once we achieved this target, we moved onto conjunctions. Conjunctions are highlighted in green. We still needed to remember our punctuation to achieve the target.  The class then get 5 minutes to self/peer mark their work to see if they have reached their target by highlighting their success criteria

We used a range of different stimulus from Pobble pictures, non fiction writing, well known stories, films and personal writing.


Lots of good writing came from using the John Lewis Christmas adverts as a stimulus. Monty the Penguin, and Edgar the Drag were a big success!


Our next teaching aim is grammar, which will run from January until the end of the programme in February.

Here is out class progress report. The red line shows a shift in data, which happens when the class achieve 6 consecutive points above the median line. In other words six lessons where the majority of the class have achieved the teaching aim.  The class have worked very hard and are looking forward to focusing on grammar for our final teaching aim which will run until the start of February.

We are very proud of P6 for their amazing progress!

Young Leaders Training

Primary 6 have spent term 1 completing Young Leaders training with active schools.  They used their training this week to  lead a rotation of group games for P2 to try out. This was a huge success with both classes really enjoying the games.

Next term they will be play leaders at lunch break in the P1/2 playground which they are really looking forward to. Well done P6 we are very proud of you!