The Five Kingdoms

As part of our learning on plants, animals and ecosystems, yesterday we were learning about the five kingdoms! We found out that these are:

  • animals
  • plants
  • fungi
  • prokaryotes
  • protoctista.

Here are some things we found out:

Alisers – Fungi is the biggest in our ecosystem!

Liam – the prokaryote kingdom includes bacteria

Megan – Animals are one of the most complicated organisms

Sophie – Humans are included in the animal kingdom

Alice – Trees and plants make oxygen and feed themselves through photosynthesis

Vanja – The animal kingdom is full of different animal species

Eldars – Some animals help grass to grow by fertilising it

Finn – All the kingdoms make up an ecosystem

Simone – We went outside and around the school looking for organisims from the five kingdoms. We found plants, animals and fungi.

Can you guess which kingdom these are from??

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