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P6 have been playing volleyball in PE.  A couple of highlights of the block have been working our skills using balloons and playing a team game where we moved on and off the court.  This game encouraged quick movement and tactical play.  It became highly competitive, with everyone working really hard to score their team points.

Unfortunately I have no pictures, but the class worked really hard at all the tasks.

Art Lesson

In Art P6 have been learning about the French artist Claude Monet and have used chalk to recreate his impressionist style.

We started by mixing and blending the chalk to achieve different colours and tones.  We then layered on top of that with more chalk, trying to add different marks to create the impression of detail.

The class have worked very hard and has resulted in lots of beautiful pictures, well done P6! 😊

We will now be moving on to do a similar thing, but this time using paint.

Table Tennis

We have been doing table tennis in PE.  We started working on the floor, progressing to across benches and finally finishing the block on the tables.  The main points we focused on were our grip of the bat and the position of the bat when we hit the ball.  We did find it quite a tricky sport, especially trying to get the ball to bounce on the table.

UHA 2024

Tuesday 30th January 2024 was a special day at Sound Primary School as we were visited by both the Junior and Senior Jarl Squads of 2024.

The Junior Jarl Squad, led by Guizer Jarl Skeppare Nokkvesson (aka Oran McCulloch), were in fine voice during their time with us, supported by a group of young local musicians who did a brilliant job. ‘Yes Sir, I can Boogie’ was definitely a highlight! The clip below shows all the pupils from p1 to p7 joining in with the Up Helly Aa song.

The Senior Jarl Squad, led by Guizer Jarl King Harald Olafsson (aka Richard Moar) were also pretty spectacular both in sight and sound. A fantastic line up of local musicians provided the music for the Up Helly Aa song and also their squad song which made us all want to get up and dance! Here is a clip of all the pupils from p1 to p7 joining in with the Up Helly Aa song. The Jarl commented how loud and enthusiastic our singing was. High praise indeed from a ‘King’!