In maths we had lots of fun using the iPad to take symmetrical pictures of each other!
September 14, 2017
by Mrs Johnson
1 Comment
September 14, 2017
by Mrs Johnson
1 Comment
In maths we had lots of fun using the iPad to take symmetrical pictures of each other!
November 8, 2016
by Mrs Johnson
Today we have been measuring the length of different things. We have been using cubes to measure how long something is. Before we measure we have been estimating how long we think it will be! Our estimates have been pretty … Continue reading
April 21, 2016
by Mrs Johnson
We have got new Heinemann Active Maths games to play, they make learning fun! We have to use our mental maths strategies to play the games, its great fun and we get a little bit competitive trying to win the … Continue reading
March 16, 2016
by Mrs Johnson
1 Comment
Thomas is our star pupil this week for his amazing work in maths. 🙂
March 3, 2016
by Vaila Catherine
Our problem solving challenge today was called Robot Monsters. We had to use a head, a body and legs to make our robot. We had to make the shortest and the tallest we could. The tallest was 21cm and the … Continue reading
December 1, 2015
by Vaila Catherine
we had fun making shapes and tiling Vaila and Thomas made a big flower. Scott made a tower and it was good we had so much fun with it.
November 9, 2015
by Mrs Johnson
Well done to Mairianne for completing her BIG maths beat that challenge within 30 seconds. Mairianne is now moving onto the next BIG maths beat challenge which is even more challenging with a mixture of addition and multiplication questions. Keep up … Continue reading
November 9, 2015
by Mrs Johnson
We have just started our new maths topic on shape, position and movement. So far we have been investigating the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.