North Roe Primary School

School Improvement

The Shetland Islands Council is committed to delivering the best possible outcomes for children and young people so that they have the best start in life and are ready to succeed by following the principles of Curriculum for Excellence and Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).

Within Curriculum for Excellence, every child and young person is entitled to experience a curriculum which is coherent from 3-18.  Those planning the curriculum have a responsibility to work in partnership with others to enable children and young people to make transitions smoothly, building on prior learning and achievement in a manner appropriate to their individual learning needs.  This should ensure that young people are well placed to move to positive destinations on leaving school and entering adult life.

At North Roe Primary School, we want to know how well we are doing this and how we can improve. We are continuously evaluating what we do and how it makes a difference to our learners. We have been asking ourselves – staff, pupils, parents, and other partners – the questions contained in our school Standards and Quality Report (link below). Our self-evaluation is in the pages that follow, along with our main areas for development for session 2023-2024. This report is based on the quality indicators in How Good is Our School? 4th Edition (2015). The overview of our School Improvement Plan and the 3 main priorities are explained in the poster below, to access the full, detailed version of our Standards and Quality Report, please click on the link below:

NR S&Q report 2023



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