North Roe Primary School

May 5, 2017
by Mrs Johnson

New Pupil

We are so delighted to have Millie join our school. Millie is in primary 1 and we are really enjoying having her in the class. Welcome Millie, we hope you love it here! 🙂

May 4, 2017
by Mrs Johnson

At the whaling

Our new topic is Shetland, we were very interested in the history of whaling since so many Shetland men went to the whaling. Gibbie Fraser came into school to give us a talk about the whaling, he took in some whale teeth to show us. Below is a picture of Robbie holding one, they were heavier than we were expecting! Gibbie went to the whaling when he was 15 years old. He told us so many interesting stories about how they used to catch the whales. Thankfully the whaling stopped in time for the different species to recover. Some of us have seen Orcas around North Roe recently! 🙂

May 4, 2017
by Mrs Johnson

Voar Redd Up

We took part in the Voar Redd Up in North Roe, we picked up lots of litter. It was a beautiful, sunny day 🙂 we are very proud of our local community and we want to keep North Roe clean!

March 23, 2017
by Mrs Johnson
1 Comment

Some days you gotta dance!

We’ve been learning a ‘phases of the moon’ rap to help us remember each phase. Robbie came into school today all prepared for our open afternoon with some amazing dance moves to go along with the rap! What a star!

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