Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

Welcome to Week 5

Hello Primary 1-4. Here we are at the start of another week. I have put up your literacy and numeracy for today, as well as your Topic work for the week.


Just a little reminder that your music tasks are all on teams. Log into GLOW and visit the P1-4 Team to view the activities. They have been posted on the main chat.

RSPB: If you’re looking for something a little different to do this week check out some of the activity ideas on the RSPB website. Link below:

RSPB Activities

Welcome to Week 3

Keep up the good work everyone. Thank you to all who have sent examples of work for me to see. I am also checking on your progress on Sumdog and can see that some of you have being working hard on your number skills.
Wednesday is a Holiday so I won’t be putting up any Literacy or Numeracy on the Blog that day, so you can either take a rest or use it as a catch up day.

RSPB Great Garden Bird Watch

Next weekend 29th – 31st January is the RSPB Great Garden Bird Watch. The RSPB have sent us some ideas on how to become better birdwatchers. Click on the video below to see how you can get to know the birds in your garden better and help them through the winter months. There is also an identification sheet made specially for Shetland. Happy birdwatching!

Sit Spot and Birdwatching

Shetland bird ID


Busy Bairns

P1-4 have been   busy with lots of different activities since returning to school. Amongst other things P1 have been using their building skills with the construction and enjoying playing in the water and fixing jigsaws. P2 have been using pegboards to make patterns and using multi-phonics to revise their sounds and word building. P3/4 have been making jigsaws of the World, Europe and the United Kingdom to help with their map work. The class have also enjoyed being outside for scavenger hunts, number work and PE.