Hamnavoe Primary School

Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Shetland site

Week 9 Spring has sprung


Week 10 was a short week so no star badges this week.  During Friday assembly the pupils and staff agreed the new football rules.  These were made following a pupil consultation and advice from our Active schools co-ordination.  We are hoping they will help make football more fun for all.
The school garden is now starting to blossom with bulbs coming up.  Pupils started a programme of improving the grounds by removing the polystyrene tubs that were causing a pollution of nurdles ( micro plastics).
P12 have been doing lots play with weights and scales.
our JRSOs took assembly and presented a clear message SLLT stop look listen think ensuring pupils were thinking about their safety crossing the road.
The snow came over the weekend.  After a slow start with disruptions to transport we had a super day.    P56 made igloos using an ice cream tub as a mould for blocks.  Mrs Tait advised them on how to get started.

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Author: Mrs Robertson

Head Teacher at Hamnavoe Primary, Burra, Shetland

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