Well there were lots of disappointed little faces at Nursery following the cancellation of SMUHA after all their hard work and excitement, so we had our own little celebration and procession.
We love role play in Nursery and like to pretend we are Elsa and Anna from Frozen, who can freeze things. We froze hearts and explored different ways to melt or break them to find what was inside…..
………Some of us preferred using warm water in syringes and droppers to melt holes in the hearts.
….some of us preferred using tools to break the ice instead
But when the ice melted – it was even more fun!……
….floating petals to make patterns
….sucking and squirting water with syringes.
…..making perfume and love potions
Squirting water made everything wet inside, so there was nothing for it but to go outside for a WATER FIGHT! Which was EVEN MORE FUN!……
It was a good job we had waterproofs on. We drew pictures with the water – it was hard to control it sometimes. We did lots of target practice and the bairns drew their own targets to practice on when we were all too wet. Some bairns squirted water to wash the windows. Mrs Bishop said we could wash her car if we wanted…….SO WE DID……………….
We must have done a good job as Mrs Bishop sent us a Thank You card for all our hard work!
Wow, we can’t believe we’re half way through this Term already! Here’s a snap shot of some of the fun we’ve had with learning so far this Term…….
…….Letters, sounds, Bookbug, baking and messy play…
…..sand pit and mark making…..Drewie and Callum wrote a Wishlist of Bruder toys and posted it. Much to their excitement a reply came in the post with some goodies!
…..Outdoor play and hall time. Bringing our learning outside. Building galley’s, viking torches, puddle splashing and recycling…..
…..Celebrating Chinese New Year, and Robert Burns. We made tartan, thistles and had our own Chinese Great Race!…..
….Roleplay, snack shopping and sharing Learning Journals kept us busy and of course, DA OORICKS! Indie shared her learning from a new Nursery with us, all about the Ooricks. We read the story and Indie told us how to make an Oorick. Everyone loved it, made Ooricks then went to the forest to look for Ooricks. We found lots of clues that they had been there; hats, beds, homes, look-outs, their own garden and much much more!
We had a fabulous Christmas Party on Wednesday shared with parents. It was a magical morning spent with Santa who arrived in a Fire Engine because there was nowhere to land his sleigh!
Big thanks to the Sumburgh Local Authority Fire Brigade for rescuing Santa from a field and bring him to our party and big thanks to Santa for travelling so far to come and visit us. The bairns thoroughly enjoyed chatting with Santa and finding out all about his reindeers and elves.
We loved playing all the party games……
….but the highlight was definitely our Gingerbread House building competition! Great to have so many parents and family involved and who better to judge the winner for best Gingerbread House, than SANTA himself!
Just look at the amazing creations that were made by everyone…all the bairns did a fab job and good to see some healthy competitiveness from the parents!
Hoooray to Santa’s winners…Sophie, Bronagh, Isla, Callum and Willum!
Snack time to recharge our energy…
Thank you for coming everyone and making it a special day for all.
What a wonderful time we have had celebrating the countdown to Christmas with the bairns. Each child had enjoyed having their own specially tailored activity to share with their friends.
We have continued our fun with…..
Funny faces snack made by Jeanne…
A Christmas present hunt in the forest led by Willum….
Sophie decorated our bikes and scooters to make them all Christmassy….
Christmas dinner was definitely a hit with the bairns…even our usual packed lunches loved it. What fun to share this altogether with staff and bairns….
Wir bairns were absolute stars at their Christmas Concert! What an amazing achievement to stand on stage and perform in front of such a big audience.
The bairns chose their own words to the tune of “Ten Little Elves”, to create their own version of a Christmas song. They thoroughly enjoyed the process and the confidence gained from having ownership of their own song, was clear to be seen from the amazing participation, singing and happy faces with which they performed ….and of course the fact that they are all still singing it a week later!
We are all so proud of every one of them. Here’s a snap shot of their performances…..
It’s fair to say the Christmas frenzy has hit us! What an exciting and busy time we’ve had.
For our advent calendar this year, we really wanted to emphasize the value of quality time together, rather than just “things”. So we filled our advent calendar with activity and challenges tailored to each individual bairn’s interests. Each bairn has a special activity to do and the opportunity to share it with their friends if the wish. Quality one to one time and time with friends can often be overlooked at such busy times and we’ve all really enjoyed our advent times together so far.
Here’s a sneaky peek at what they’ve been up to…….
We had a lovely visit from our School Nurse this week. She had a special light box which helped us to see if we were washing our hands well. She also showed us the best way to wash our hands to keep ourselves and others healthy.
What amazing weather we’ve had for playing outdoors. The bairns have really embraced all weathers an have been excited to be out to experience all weather types.
We had lots of fun collecting haily puckles…..who caught the most?….who caught the least? ……who had the best container for catching hail?……then they decided to gather their hail altogether and touch, feel, eat and play with it.
We had lots of mark making in the frost, using ice scrapers, sticks and spoons to make roads, draw, patterns, handprints and much more.
And of course smashing the ice was the most fun. Our polar bears froze in the ice and we had to smash them out. Some polar bears left a perfect pattern in the ice and we talked about fossils, felt the imprints with our fingers and discussed floating icebergs as the ice began to melt in the water.
The bairns were excited to tell us they could not find a circle shape amongst all the smashed frozen ice. “It’s sharp”, “it’s pointy”, “It’s like glass”, “it’s a triangle”, “mine has more points than a triangle”, “mines is slidy”, “mine is smooth”, “it makes my hands sore”, “I don’t like it”, “I want to eat it”……….