Tag Archives: Health and well being

Our Learning in Term 1

Hello everyone, apologies for our lack of posts for a while, there was a blip with our blog, but hopefully it’s all sorted now.

Here is a snapshot of our learning fun last term!……

…..Da bairns were really interested in exploring different materials,  their properties and uses.  They experimented to see if the material waterproof, strong, heavy, light, could float or sink.


……Then they explored their uses.  Could they build with it, could it stack, could it hold it’s shape…….

…..They took their learning outside to explore further where they experimented with forces and how things move…..

….Some bairns were very interested in magnetic forces, push and pull and others really enjoyed exploring mark making in the sand using different tools and materials.

….Magnus explored forces of push and pull using his body and feet – he even made his own ski’s!

We had lots of fun outside as always………

…building, climbing…

…..Jumping, sunbathing….




…..flying kites, experimenting with sound, pony jumps and building….

….Bikes and scooters pedalling with a passenger and negotiating corners with an extra wide bike!

…..Pony cuddles, walks to the shore,






…..and of course jumping in muddy puddles!







….And finally…..

…..baking, tea parties, painting with pineapples and pineapple play doh…..



….cosy stories, colour sorting and lemon tasing…..

…….music making, instrument skills, rhythm….






We were kindly donated an amazing castle!  The bairns carefully followed the instructions to build the castle themselves and some went on to make their own castles using all their knowledge of building and material properties they had already learned in their experiments….


Stay and Play

What a glorious day it was for our last Stay and Play day this term!

We were all very busy painting, sanding, watering and building while the sun shone, but the highlight was most definitely building our Fire Pit at the end of the day to toast marshmallows and eating “shmores”!


Making trampolines……..

Sanding, ready to build……..

”We look like scientists!” (Maximus)

Gardening and making planters……


Making fire, toasting marshmallows…..yum!….

The Fire Pit was a big hit with staff, bairns and parents.  Providing children such experiences with real tools and fire allow our children to directly experience and gain knowledge about the nature these things and of open flames within a safe and controlled environment. They develop a respect for fire and the skills to keep themselves safe, which they can apply throughout their lives.

We all had a fabulous afternoon in the sunshine.  Big thanks to John the Janny and all the parents who donated items and came along to help.  Some even managed a sneaky marshmallow or two!

Our “Buddies” came to visit today!

Today our pre school bairns met their Buddies from primary 6.  The bairns going to school after the Summer have been paired up with a Primary 6 pupil (Buddy), as part of their transition to Primary 1.  Everyone was very excited to meet each other and find out all about their Buddy.

The primary 6 pupils had an informal interview with their Nursery Buddy to find out all about them.

Rory told his Buddies he’d like to work in the Furchester Hotel when he grows up.

We all joined in together to discuss what we’d like to find out about primary 1.

There were so many of us we had to use the hall!

Our Buddies wrote down what we wanted to know and they are going to find the answers for us for next week!

Some of us felt a bit shy meeting new people for the first time.

Anri found out that Joanna had two sisters just like her!

Sydney found out that his Buddy Lewis had a new puppy called Thor and Alec had a cat.

We are looking forward to meeting out Buddies next week but also spotting them in the playground at playtime.

Three cheers for SMUHA!

The sun was shining on SMUHA this morning and what a fantastic day we’ve had!

The Nursery were in great singing voice today as they marched in our school procession to the galley burning.

We threw our torches in…..

Our school Jarl did a fab job and we loved his galley!

Snack time.

It was great to see so many people come and join us.



Adventures in the forest

We had an adventure to the forest today.  We played hide and seek, climbed trees and found an old birds nest.

Rory brought his purple magnifying glass in today for p week.  He used it to identify what the nest was made from.

”There is grass, mud and sheeps’s wool”.

Rory let his friends have a look too.

”I can see string and paper too!”

We had a closer look when we got back to nursery and used the computer to identify which bird made the nest.  We think it was a black bird.

Some children drew pictures of the nest and some made their own nests.

Sydney made a nest for his chick using feathers and straw.

The chick tried out the birds nest from the forest but Sydney thought it was too small for the chick.


We just had to have pancakes on Pancake Day and who better to share them with than our Mums,  Dads friends and siblings!

We couldn’t have done it without our chief pancake maker – John the Janny and his secret pancake recipe!

What a feast we had, choosing toppings, spreading, chopping, licking.

Let’s get these pancakes started……

We all had a go in messy play…cracking, mixing, whisking, pouring, measuring, weighing – what a fun way to learn.

Messy play is so much fun! Especially when it’s with your friends.
Pouring, mixing, weighing, cracking, whisking…..so much fun.

Eeeeek….our pancake mixture feels so funny. “It’s cold”, “It’s lumpy”, “It’s cool”, “It’s gooey”.

Cracking eggs.

Decisions decisions….which toppings should we have?….


Queuing up for pancakes.
Nursery’s chief pancake maker! John the Janny is so much more than a Janny!

And of course, pancake wouldn’t be complete without a friendly pancake flipping competition.  Drewie found using  whole body motor skills was the way to go….

Flipping pancakes needs concentration.

Others had amazing hand-eye co-ordination!

Whatever method they used – it was a lot of fun.

Our star pancake flipper with 26 flips!