Dear Parents and Carers,
P7s and John Muir Day: The P7 had their last John Muir day this week and another great adventure they had. The children excelled in challenging themselves as well as supporting one another- all great skills as they prepare for transition to secondary school.
Staffing Update: Mrs. Jacquette Dutch will be leaving her post of Acting Senior Practitioner of our nursery at the end of next week to take up an exciting opportunity at Sandwick School Nursery. We shall miss her as she developed warm and nurturing relationships with all the children and worked tirelessly to ensure their wellbeing. We wish her all the best as she starts her new role.
I am pleased to say that Mrs. Leona Smith will become Senior Practitioner at the end of May- congratulations to her for being successful in this recruitment. These changes mean that we are now recruiting for a full time and part time support worker as well as a full time and part time practitioner for August. To fill in the gaps while we recruit, Ms. Clair Gillespie will be supporting nursery on a Monday to Wednesday and she will be visiting on Monday to get to know the children. Ms. Jenny-Lane Thompson will be covering Thursday and Friday till the end of term and she will be visiting on Thursday.
Play practitioner- After School Club. I am pleased to say that we are at the preferred candidate stage of this recruitment so we very much hope that after school club will be able to re start in August.
Clerical Assistant. Our newly appointed clerical assistant – Honor Rosie- will be able to start at the beginning of June. Mrs. Sonja Flaws will continue to support us till then for which we are very grateful.
Transition: We are in the process of working out our transition plans for Nursery and those children who will be moving classes in August and will let you have details as soon as plans are finalised. P7 transition is already underway and parents should have details of those events already.
School development: We are at the time of year when we starting reviewing how well the school is doing and has done against its improvement plans. As a new comer this is a chance for me to consult with a wide range of stakeholder to gained various views about what has gone well and where we need to focus our attention. Of course the last two years have been extraordinary and been a tremendous strain of all members of the school and wider community- so many planned developments and events simply could not happened due all the restrictions in place. I will be looking to gather your views and will send out some kind of survey /questionnaire over the coming weeks.
Concerns or complaints: Just a reminder that if you have a concern about your child please arrange a meeting with the class teacher and /or myself- We are always ready to listen and support.
If you have thoughts, opinions, ideas about wider school issues please email me or Parent Council who represent the parent forum. Whilst the school listens to all constructive ideas and thoughts as it is really positive to have dialogue and debate meanwhile realizing that views may differ from person to person and so the school at times has to make overall decisions which may not fit in with all views, but we try our best.
Upcoming dates:
12thth May 7.30 Parent Council Meeting in the Noosc building
Monday 23rd May: Learner led event 5pm to 6.30pm Further information to follow. Parents- (up to 2 per family) will be invited to come at a particular time during the session, wearing a face mask, so that we do not have too many on site at any one time, so that children can share their work with you. If you need to have a conversation with the class teacher please book an appointment at another time. More information nearer the time.
25th May: musical demonstration by peripatetic teachers.
27th May: School Closed
30th May: Children Classic Concerts will be performing Peter and the Wolf live for our oldest children.
30th May: African Drumming sessions will start for each class for 5 weeks
3rd June School closed for Queen’s jubilee.
21st June Sports Afternoon
23rd June JRSO presentation in the Town Hall
30th June: 2pm: Leavers Assembly P7 parents/carers only
As other dates are confirmed I will update you here.
Best wishes,
Gina Finch