I cannot quite believe we are already in week 6! The term is passing really quickly.
I am so impressed with how well the bairns and staff have settled back into school life, accepting the changes and restrictions.
The bairns have been given £60 per class from school funds to buy some toys for indoor and outdoor play times. They are working on finalising their orders.
We will be sharing our reporting calendar with you tomorrow. It is such a shame we can’t welcome you into school. For parents evenings this October we will be sending home a settling in report with P1-7 pupils and offering a follow up phone call for those who would like one.
Please also look out for our home work survey which will come out soon.
I miss seeing many of you at the school gates or popping into school. I really look forward to the day we can see each other in person. In the meantime, please remember to get in touch if there is anything we can do to help or support you.