Please see the attached poster for the coffee morning we are holding on Friday for Red Nose Day and School Funds.
We hope to see you there!
Emma, Sabienne, James and Katy
Please see the attached poster for the coffee morning we are holding on Friday for Red Nose Day and School Funds.
We hope to see you there!
Emma, Sabienne, James and Katy
From grand old Viking centuries Up-Helly-Aa has come, Then light the torch and form the march, and sound the rolling drum: And wake the mighty memories of heroes that are dumb; The waves are rolling on.
Hapy Up Helly Aa Day!!! We hope you are all as excited as we are today!
3 cheers for Up Helly Aa!!
We have been very busy creating this wonderful display for Up Helly Aa today. We would like to congratulate Thorfinn Ravenfeeder and his squad and look forward to seeing you later.
Three cheers for Up Helly Aa!!
We skyped a French school on Friday the eighteenth of January. We were saying our names and our ages. They said their name and age in English and we said our names and age in French. We will be skyping the French school again soon to play a game.
We have learnt the body parts in French and they have learnt the body parts in English to play a game of Guess Who with monsters. We have picked three monsters and they are going to guess the monsters that we have picked, asking us questions in English. They will pick three monsters and we will try to guess it in French.
We all enjoyed skyping the French school, it was fun an it was cool to see/speak with others in a different country!
By Bethany P6
For Children In Need this year we came to school in our pajamas and had a sponsored times table challenge. When Mrs Lawson blew the whistle everyone had to stop what they were doing and write down their chosen times table as many times as they could until the second whistle blew then we swapped over to mark each others work. Once we knew how many each person got right we collated this to get a total number and recorded them on a piece of paper under our class. This is what each class were doing:
Primary 7 organised different activities for us to do. They put us into cooperative learning groups and told us we had 15 minutes at each station. There were 5 different stations that each primary 7 led: Emma led an information station learning about what Children In Need is and what they do with the money raised. James led a colour/design the best Pudsey competition. Dylan had Children In Need games on the laptops. Sabienne had a group completing a word search to do with Children in Need and Jessica led a dance group. Here are some photos of our day.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us for this challenge, along with this money and the £1 we all paid for wearing our pajamas and the sale of the key rings (they were £1) we raised a fantastic £350.65!!!
So again, thank you very much!!
On Friday night we went guizing. There was about 41 children that went guizing. We started altogether and visited the houses around the school before splitting into two groups and going North/South. There were lots of brilliant costumes and we had lots of fun. The older secondary pupils went guizing too. They scared one lot of children by hiding in the bus when they were in one of the houses, when we came out and opened the bus door then they jumped out and shouted which gave poor Jessica a terrible gluff! We had lots of fun and got lots of sweeties from the kind people in Cullivoe. They were also kind enough to give us money to help buy fireworks for next weekend. Mrs Lawson thinks we raised about £500 so THANK YOU very much for your generosity!
On Sunday we had our Halloween party at the school. Most of us attended and all dressed up. We all took in pumpkins that we had carved. There were lots of really good ones!
We had a parade to show off our costumes then played the corner game.
Then we split into two groups so we could start with a different game. The older ones went through to the classroom first and the younger ones stayed in the canteen then they swapped over after a while. In the canteen we could colour Halloween pictures or make little ghosts out of tissues. In the classroom you had to try and eat a pancake or a party ring that was tied onto a bit of string and covered in syrup or chocolate sauce. It was extremely messy but great fun!
After this we all came through to the classroom to play a different game. We had to get into 4 different groups, one at a time we had to run up to the table put our heads into a bowl of oatmeal and try to get as much witches fingers and cats poop into our mouths as we could and carry it over to our bowl on our chair before the next person could go. (It wasn’t really witches fingers or cat poop, just chocolate fingers and malteasers.) The team with the most in their bowl at the end won. After this game we played another one called mice pirls (again it wasn’t really mice pirls but raisins.) We had to use our mouths to carry one raisin at a time from the bowl on our chair to the bowl on the table at the other side. The team that got all their raisins in their bowl on the table won.
Once we finished these games we ducked for apples. We went against each other. This was the last game to play.
We had sooooo much fun at the party! Thank you to all that came and took part in the games!