New Term

This term our topic is an enterprise. For the first time we are having three enterprise groups. Da Elves and da Lantern Makkers will sell lanterns made with tins and jars and the Cullivoe Owls will sell Christmas card holders. Primary 1-4’s enterprise team will be selling gift tags.

The whole school is learning more about money in maths this term to go along with our enterprise project.

Here’s a picture to show how we feel about being back at school after a relaxing October Holidays…





P2, 3 & 4 Literacy – Term 1

This term we have been learning how to write instructions. We wrote about ‘How to bake a cake’ and ‘How to tie your shoelaces’.

“I enjoyed making the poster for how to tie your shoelaces” – Hunter

“I enjoyed making the cakes because we got to draw pictures and write it step-by-step” – Honey

“We got to tie our shoes and I didn’t know how to tie my shoes so you can copy it to learn how to tie your shoes” – Rosie

“I learned how to tie my shoelaces and Kane helped me learn how to” – Heidi


This term we also read ‘Da Elves and da Shoemakker’ written by Julie Dennison which is a Shetland version of the well-known story ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’.

“We read the story and it’s called da elves and da shoemakker and Hunter brought it in” – Cameron

“We picked out our favourite Shetland words to translate into English” – Hunter

“I really liked the story because it was in Shetland and most of the stories we read are in English” – Honey


Cullivoe School Wins Best in children’s Baking

We entered our cake into the novelty cake section in the Yell Show on the 3rd of September. It was the best cake there as it received a first AND won ‘Best in children’s baking’.  It was a tough competition as there was other great cakes in this category.  We made other little sheep and entered these into a different category – we got a well done and a second for these. Emma and Jessica bought the little cakes and the Lawson’s bought the big cake. They took some of the cake into school for us to eat on the Monday, it was very sweet.

Preparing for the Yell Show

On Monday 29th of August we decided we would make a cake to enter into the Yell show. We had to decide what to make and decided on a sheep cakeas it is an agricultural show. Then on Thursday the 1st of September we baked the best cake anyone has ever seen! The whole school baked with Miss Nicholson and Miss Jamieson.  We worked as a team and got into groups to make a different part of the cake. There was a team making the icing, a team making the big cake and 4 groups making fairy cakes (this was for the sheep). Ruby, Abbie and Jasmine designed how the cake would look thinking about the icing, the fencing and where the sheep would go. At golden time on Friday we decorated the cake – icing the big slab of cake to make it look like a park, we used curlywurlys and chocolate fingers to make a fence then decorated the individual fairy cakes to make them look like sheep by using mini marshmallows. Kane made one cake look like a dog. Miss Nicholson had bouht edible flowers so we used these to decorate the cake and used chocolate chips to make it look like sheep pirls.

Shetland For Wirds Concert

On the 17th of May, we travelled to Lerwick to perform in the Shetland For Wirds Concert. We were asked to do this because we won the ‘Best Dialect Entry’ in the music festival. We sang ‘Da Selkie Wife’s Sang’ and ‘Farewell tae Yell’…and afterwards, we were awarded our certificate by Draatsie, the Shetland for Wirds mascot. He was great fun to meet….and some of us even found a moment to take a selfie with him!

Term 4

We’ve had such a busy term this term – Shetland For Wirds concert, transition, French afternoon, a visit from the coastguard at Mid Yell, outdoor learning day, North Isles football and netball tournament, a trip to Breckon Farm, a trip to Heatherdale, Scottish Opera, a hockey festival and an athletics festival…to name a few! All this has been on top of our usual learning! Keep an eye on the blog over the next few days to see some photos and posts to share what we have been doing.

We made the Shortlist!!

Last week, the P5-P7 pupils at Cullivoe submitted an article into the Legion Scotland annual writing competition. Our article told the story of a young sailor in WW1 called Jack Cornwell.

On Monday, we were delighted to hear that our article had made the shortlist and that we have made the final of the competition. We are one of 12 schools in Scotland whose entry has been chosen and we are the only school in Shetland on the shortlist. We are over the moon.

The prize for winning this competition is a trip to Orkney. We would love to go!

The winning entry is decided by public vote. So, we need your help now! We really hope the Shetland community will get behind us. Please vote for us by clicking on the link below:

Thank you 🙂



A Visit from Tavish Scott

Today Tavish Scott, MSP, came to our school. He visited to tell us about his job and about what Scotland is currently doing for refugees. We found out that there is a cease fire planned for next week in Syria. We will keep an eye on this through the news.

Britain will hopefully be welcoming approximately 20,000 refugees in the next 5 years.

We would like to say thank you to Tavish Scott for making the journey to Cullivoe to see us today.

Tavish, we’re glad to know that your seat is comfy in the debate room!

All the pupils with Tavish
All the pupils with Tavish
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