Category Archives: Literacy

P5-7 Literacy

We have been learning about poetry this term. We started by looking at poetry written by Robert Burns as we were reciting some of his poems at our Burns Supper. We have previously looked at acrostic poems so this term we have looked at limericks, haiku’s and rhyming poetry. Poems do not always have to rhyme! Mr Spence taught us these before we had a go of writing our own. We will post what we learned and the poems we created for you to have a read.

P1-4 Enterprise

Primary 1-4 have created their own enterprise business and want to tell you about it.

First of all we looked at what enterprise was, what a business was and thought about businesses that we know of.

We then had to think of what we wanted to do for our enterprise project/our own business. We all thought of different ideas and took a vote. We decided to make gift tags. Once we decided what we were making we had to think of a name for our business. We all thought of a good name and wrote these on the board. Once we shared all our ideas we took a vote on which one we thought would be the best name for our business. Our winning name was Tig Tag.

After this we  looked at logos and how people can identify companies just from their logo – Miss Nicholson created a quiz for us with well known logos. It was great fun and we did really well at identifying them. Then it was our turn to create our own logo for Tig Tag. We all drew our ideas on a paper and had a vote using pom poms.

Monica’s design won.


This week we began making our gift tags, we had different jobs to do. P1 were stamping out little Christmas designs for us to stick onto our gift tags, P2/3 were drawing Christmas tags – we have stars, baubles, Christmas trees, scalloped edged tags and regular rectangle tags. P3/4 were cutting these out. Next week we hope to begin decorating these tags.

Remembrance Day

Last week we did work on Remembrance Day. We looked at what Remembrance Day is and why we have this and completed work around this. Primary 5-7 watched a few clips about Remembrance Day (also called Armistice Day) and the poppy and why this symbolises Remembrance day. We each had a clipboard and paper and had to take notes when watching the clips. We learned that they make 40 million poppies each year. Did you know that there is an English poppy and a Scottish poppy?! You might see presenters on the TV with a poppy that has 2 petals and a leaf, this is the English poppy. Whereas our poppy, the Scottish poppy, has 4 petals and no leaf. Do you know why? Well, it costs £15000 to add leafs onto all that poppies so Scotland thought they could put that money to better use by giving it straight to those affected by the war. You can get a white poppy which is a peace poppy. The poppies that you buy are actually made buy war veterans and the money that we raise from selling these poppies goes to people affected by the war, both past and present!  When wearing your poppy you should remember that men wear them on the left but the women should wear them on the right! We all read In Flanders Field and then wrote our own poems about ‘Remembrance’.

Miss Nicholson and Miss Jamieson also took us for art one day and we created poppy art of our own. P5-7 used paint to paint poppies on a black background, they really stand out and look fantastic, wouldn’t you agree?

P1 created poppies by painting bun cases. We had fun painting them then got to stick them together when they were dry. Miss Nicholson put them on the window of the classroom door to make it look like a wreath.

P2-4 created pictures of poppies blowing between crosses using chalk and crayons. We thought about this after reading the poem In Flanders’ Field as the first few lines are:

‘In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,’

Julie had been to Ypres in France and told us of her trip there. She had been to the Commonwealth war graves, visited a grave of a man that came from Otterswick and found the name of a man that originated from Cullivoe! She even left a piece of Cullivoe by the Menin Gate where his name was engraved. It was very interesting listening to her the history that she told us behind things. It really made you think and be grateful for everything.

On the 11th at 11 o’clock we all took part in the 2 minute silence. Primary 1-4 discussed the importance of why we have a 2 minute silence and watched the news live online before observing the silence. P5-7 went to the kirk to attend the service there.


P2, 3 & 4 Literacy – Term 1

This term we have been learning how to write instructions. We wrote about ‘How to bake a cake’ and ‘How to tie your shoelaces’.

“I enjoyed making the poster for how to tie your shoelaces” – Hunter

“I enjoyed making the cakes because we got to draw pictures and write it step-by-step” – Honey

“We got to tie our shoes and I didn’t know how to tie my shoes so you can copy it to learn how to tie your shoes” – Rosie

“I learned how to tie my shoelaces and Kane helped me learn how to” – Heidi


This term we also read ‘Da Elves and da Shoemakker’ written by Julie Dennison which is a Shetland version of the well-known story ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’.

“We read the story and it’s called da elves and da shoemakker and Hunter brought it in” – Cameron

“We picked out our favourite Shetland words to translate into English” – Hunter

“I really liked the story because it was in Shetland and most of the stories we read are in English” – Honey
