Category Archives: Achievements

First school in Shetland to get their RRS Level 2 Award!!

We would like to share with you the fact that we are the first school in Shetland to gain our Rights Respecting School Level 2 Award!!! Over the last year we have been working very hard towards this award. We were assessed on Friday the 10th of March, Frances Bestley and Gerry McMurtrie skyped us so that we, the Rights Respecting steering group, could talk them through our displays and other work that we have been doing. We also showed them our Rights Respecting School folders and talked them through everything in this. We discussed our rights and some of the articles we knew. They also spoke to Mrs Lawson (head teacher) and Louise Tulloch (parent) Once our assessment was finished we had to wait a whole week to find out whether or not we passed so that Jerry and Francis could discuss everything they saw/heard with a committee and come to a decision on whether we had done enough work to be awarded our level 2 award. Last Friday just before we went to leave for the weekend Mrs Lawson came in to share the news that we achieved our level 2 award! There was great excitement and we are absolutely delighted that we have achieved this award! We will be sharing this report soon.

By Tali, Ben and Ruby

Primary 7 fundraiser for CLAN

Me and the rest of the Primary 7s of Cullivoe primary school raised money for the clan cancer support group over the Christmas season. We had to decided on a wall display and the winner was a Christmas tree. We took time on creating the tree.The other members of the school and teachers paid 20p each to write a Christmas message in the shape of either a bauble or a Christmas present to someone rather then giving them all a Christmas card.

We raised £26.50 from the Christmas tree wall display so it was a big success! And to top that off our Christmas show kindly donated £273.50 so altogether we are putting £300 towards helping people surviving with cancer in the northern part of Scotland.

By Ben

Tig Tags sale day

Well what a brilliant day we had! On Thursday the 8th of December Tig Tag had a big sale day and we sold ALL of our Christmas gift tags that we made!


We were very busy in the morning trying to set up our stall so that it looked nice.

We sold a lot within the first 15 minutes and thought we weren’t going to have enough at one point but thankfully we had just the right amount! We made roughly 350 gift tags however some of the gift tags had 3 tied together so we think we actually made between 400-500 gift tags in total which showed how hard we worked over the last few weeks! (We thought some of the tags were too small or too thin to go by itself so we put ones together to make quality gift tags) We put 6 gift tags in a penny mix bag – this way you could see how good they were without having to open the packet. We should make a special mention to R.S. Hendersons for donating the penny mix bags for us to use. We made labels with our logo on them to put on the front of the bag so that people could see that we made them.


We had 57 packets to sell – 3 of these were hanging on a lovely tree.


We decorated an old branch from a tree so that we could display our lovely gift tags. We painted it with glue then sprinkled glitter all over it, it looked so good that people offered to buy it and we sold it at the end for £20!!


1 packet of 6 gift tags cost £1. Everyone took a turn of selling the gift tags and did a great job. We were very polite and worked well as a team.

When we took our float out and paid our expenses then we were left with an amazing £86.52 profit!

Primary 3 and 4 were able to put what they were learning in Numeracy about money to good use when counting and double counting their money.

We decided as a group that we would like to donate the money we raised to Cancer Research.


We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that came to support us on the day, bought gift tags/the tree and gave a donation. Your support is greatly appreciated!! We would also like to thank primary 5-7 for their help towards the end.

Again, from everyone involved with Tig Tag we would like to say THANK YOU!

Children In Need 2016

For Children In Need this year we came to school in our pajamas and had a sponsored times table challenge. When Mrs Lawson blew the whistle everyone had to stop what they were doing and write down their chosen times table as many times as they could until the second whistle blew then we swapped over to mark each others work. Once we knew how many each person got right we collated this to get a total number and recorded them on a piece of paper under our class. This is what each class were doing:

  • P1 – addition sums
  • P2 – 2x table
  • P3 – 4x table
  • P4 – 6x table
  • P5 – 11x table
  • P6 – 5x table
  • P7 – 11x table
  • Staff – they did a mixture of the 2, 13 and 64x tables!

Primary 7 organised different activities for us to do. They put us into cooperative learning groups and told us we had 15 minutes at each station. There were 5 different stations that each primary 7 led: Emma led an information station learning about what Children In Need is and what they do with the money raised. James led a colour/design the best Pudsey competition. Dylan had Children In Need games on the laptops. Sabienne had a group completing a word search to do with Children in Need and Jessica led a dance group. Here are some photos of our day.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us for this challenge, along with this money and the £1 we all paid for wearing our pajamas and the sale of the key rings (they were £1) we raised a fantastic £350.65!!!

So again, thank you very much!!

Cullivoe School Wins Best in children’s Baking

We entered our cake into the novelty cake section in the Yell Show on the 3rd of September. It was the best cake there as it received a first AND won ‘Best in children’s baking’.  It was a tough competition as there was other great cakes in this category.  We made other little sheep and entered these into a different category – we got a well done and a second for these. Emma and Jessica bought the little cakes and the Lawson’s bought the big cake. They took some of the cake into school for us to eat on the Monday, it was very sweet.

Preparing for the Yell Show

On Monday 29th of August we decided we would make a cake to enter into the Yell show. We had to decide what to make and decided on a sheep cakeas it is an agricultural show. Then on Thursday the 1st of September we baked the best cake anyone has ever seen! The whole school baked with Miss Nicholson and Miss Jamieson.  We worked as a team and got into groups to make a different part of the cake. There was a team making the icing, a team making the big cake and 4 groups making fairy cakes (this was for the sheep). Ruby, Abbie and Jasmine designed how the cake would look thinking about the icing, the fencing and where the sheep would go. At golden time on Friday we decorated the cake – icing the big slab of cake to make it look like a park, we used curlywurlys and chocolate fingers to make a fence then decorated the individual fairy cakes to make them look like sheep by using mini marshmallows. Kane made one cake look like a dog. Miss Nicholson had bouht edible flowers so we used these to decorate the cake and used chocolate chips to make it look like sheep pirls.