All posts by Miss Jamieson

Rangoli Patterns

Rangoli Patterns

As part of our Hinduism topic, P1-7 have been learning about Rangoli patterns.

A Rangoli pattern is a colourful pattern used during the Hindu festival of Diwali. They are drawn at the entrance to welcome the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, into Hindu’s homes in the hope she will bring them good luck.

Rangoli patterns are made up from lots of 2D different shapes. They are often symmetrical and take ideas from nature: peacocks, swans, flowers, etc.

Traditionally Rangoli patterns are made using coloured rice, grains, flour, sand or chalk.

Primary 1-3 used coloured salt to symmetrically colour some well known Rangoli patterns.

Primary 4-7 designed their own Rangoli patterns and coloured them using traditional coloured grains.

P5-7 Numeracy – Term 3

This term in maths we are learning about addition and subtraction and we’re going to be learning more about multiplication and division.
So far we’ve learnt about addition and subtraction. We started with chimney sums and then we have been learning to add and subtract mentally by figuring out new strategies. We think we’ve gotten better at adding and subtracting.
We have also started some new times tables games at the start of our numeracy lessons. We play Pacman, Around the World, Countdown and Fuzz Buzz. We’re also going to start a game called Number Crunch.

By Abbie and Poppy

Letter to the Home Secretary

As part of our journey towards our level 2 Rights Respecting Award, we have been working on UNICEF’s Outright 2016 pack. We have been learning more about the refugee crisis in Syria.

We recognise that many children’s rights are not being met and think that something needs to be done about this… and QUICK!!

To ensure our voices are heard, we have written a letter and sent it to our local MP Alistair Carmichael. He will pass this on to Amber Rudd our Home Secretary.

We have attached the letter if you would like to read it.

Cullivoe Owls Enterprise 2016

This year for the Cullivoe School Enterprise Primary  5-7 split into two groups, I am part of the Cullivoe Owls, one of the two groups, for our logo we had an owl with a line of cards that says Cullivoe Owls.


It was my design, we all made a few logo’s each and then we did a vote me and Sabienne were picked so we had another mini vote and I won.  The reason the logo has a line of cards is because we are making plaited coloured twine with glittery pegs so you can hang Christmas cards on them.

The sale day is on the 8th of December at 9:30 to 11:00 at Cullivoe School, we hope you can come along and buy one!

Da Elves and Da Lantern Makkers


Primary 5-7 have split into two groups and created Enterprise teams for their topic this term.
Here is Ruby Lawson to tell you all about her Enterprise team!

My Enterprise is called Da Elves and Da Lantern Makkers. We have been making lanterns out of tins and jars. Here is a picture of some of our finished products.

img_5026The first thing we had to do was come up with a name and a logo. We decided a team vote was the fairest way to do it. In the end we went with Beth’s logo:


To make our products we have had to fill old tins with water and put them in the freezer overnight. Having the ice made the tins easier to hammer holes into. This makes the light shine through the tins. For the jars we covered in Epsom salts for a snowy effect and then put twine and decorations on the top. Here are some pictures of us during our production:

Come along to our Enterprise Sale on Thursday 8th December 2016 from 9:30 – 11.00! They make the perfect Christmas present!

Visit from the New Policeman Simon

The policeman came in today to visit the school and say hi to us all because he’s new to the island and wanted to get to know everyone.


It was interesting learning about all the things he has to carry around every day and other items he sometimes uses too!

We even got the chance to try on his handcuffs!


It was a great visit and we hope he really enjoys living in Yell!


New Term

This term our topic is an enterprise. For the first time we are having three enterprise groups. Da Elves and da Lantern Makkers will sell lanterns made with tins and jars and the Cullivoe Owls will sell Christmas card holders. Primary 1-4’s enterprise team will be selling gift tags.

The whole school is learning more about money in maths this term to go along with our enterprise project.

Here’s a picture to show how we feel about being back at school after a relaxing October Holidays…





P2, 3 & 4 Literacy – Term 1

This term we have been learning how to write instructions. We wrote about ‘How to bake a cake’ and ‘How to tie your shoelaces’.

“I enjoyed making the poster for how to tie your shoelaces” – Hunter

“I enjoyed making the cakes because we got to draw pictures and write it step-by-step” – Honey

“We got to tie our shoes and I didn’t know how to tie my shoes so you can copy it to learn how to tie your shoes” – Rosie

“I learned how to tie my shoelaces and Kane helped me learn how to” – Heidi


This term we also read ‘Da Elves and da Shoemakker’ written by Julie Dennison which is a Shetland version of the well-known story ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’.

“We read the story and it’s called da elves and da shoemakker and Hunter brought it in” – Cameron

“We picked out our favourite Shetland words to translate into English” – Hunter

“I really liked the story because it was in Shetland and most of the stories we read are in English” – Honey
