Adventure Day At Kergord

On the 20th of March then we went to Kergord forest with Pete Richardson. He gave us water proofs and rucksacks. We got in his new red mini bus. We got our rock sacks and we put some stuff in it.
Then when we got to Kergord then we went up a path they were lots of flowers and clovers we then went across a path and went up through a park and into the main forest.
We did a single file snake route which was awesome. We got to climb up a massive tree. Pete let us pick if we wanted to go up and over the taller branch or go under the branch. The first time I went up, I went over the branch when everybody had done it. Then we got do it again. The first time then I went over it I felt a bit scared of falling but when I did it I really wanted to do it again.
Then when we were making are way up the forest then me and Nicol got very guttery because we came to a lot of gutter patches and it was so much fun because when I was in a sludgy Guttery bit. Then I started to jump up and down in muddy puddles like Peppa and George. But then I fell and got very guttery. But it was worth it.

Then we came to a patch at the top of the forest were there was a amazing view of the whole forest we had to breath and be calm you could hear the water running down the burn. You could also hear the wind going through the trees as you were concentrating. You could see a lot more thing then when you were walking and doing things. We breathed for about 5 minutes. After that five minutes then a few people had started digging up the ground with soles of their boots. And Pete said to cover it back up so we did.
Then we went for lunch part one I ate my crisps and one of my frubes so I was a bit filled up he then said that after this than we can built are wooden shelters the time that I’d been here before then that was the funniest thing that we did. So after lunch part one then we went to go and build our shelters
So we went down a path and Nicola tripped and hurt her ankle. When she felt better we got into groups I had to be with Loui-bo, Nicola and Jason. We were we had to be on the right side of bridge. We were going build it on a place with a fallen down tree but we found four trees that were on an N shape. And there was a big log across. Nicola asked me to find some more sticks so I did I found two more huts so I took sticks off of them Miss, Irvine said I was like one of that men that was at the Highland games. That takes the massive logs and throws them she says all I need is a kilt. We then started all to help build our shelter. Me and Loui-bo went to find leaves to make it water proof we found a few pile’s lying around then we couldn’t find any more so we went and got some gutter and threw it on I’m always so messy. Then I made a gutter slide it was so much fun. Miss Irvine then said to come and have the second part of your lunch. We went to go and wash our hands in the burn. I also had a drink of water from the burn. Then I ran across the bridge and went up to the old croft house. There was also a small fire going inside. I had my ham sandwich and my last frubes and my ribena and biscuit. I also drank my yogurt drink. Pete told us the story of lucky the lamb if you want to know about luck the lamb then type it in at Google. We were also arguing about whose shelters best then we went to speak about each other’s shelters.

When we had done that then we went to start a game of the best game in the world. It’s when you have to count to 20 then everyone hide then you count to 10 then they move. Then 5 then you move again then if you have not been found then they say SHOW YOURSELF!!!!! And you have to come out of your hiding place. The person that’s the closest wins the game.

Lewis Scott

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