Burravoe Primary School

What I did at the Yell Show


I entered a few things at the Yell Show. I put entries into baking, crafts and flowers but what I was really pleased about was that I won best in children’s  baking for my Victoria sponge. When I kept getting well done for quite a lot of things I thought I didn’t do very well until I saw my Victoria sponge. I was over the moon when I saw it had won. My Yell Show wasn’t complete until I had some fun. I did the lucky dip, the tombola and spin the wheel, I didn’t  win anything except for things in the lucky dip because you always get something in the lucky dip. I still wanted to do some other activities so I went on the bouncy castle,in the ball pool and I went in all the other sheds. My favorite part of the Yell Show would probably be when we   went in the ball pool. I went in the ball pool with Rosie and Emer and we didn’t just sit in the ball pool we jumped into the ball pool too; sometimes we jumped in on our own and sometimes we jumped in at the same time . So actually that was definitely my favorite part!


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