Yourchild will participate in one period of Personal and Social Education (PSE) each week throughout their time at Peebles High School.
In the Broad General Education (S1-3) the PSE programme is shaped by Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes and the Curriculum for Excellence Benchmarks
At Peebles High School we aim to work with partners, to deliver a holistic and progressive approach to promoting health and wellbeing, that takes account of the stage of growth, development
and maturity of each individual, and the social and community context. We aim to use resources that are relevant, current, age appropriate and evidence-based.
In PSE classes learners are encouraged to look at their personal aims, aptitudes and abilities, to consider their relationships with their fellow-pupils and with adults and to examine their behaviour and responsibilities. Each PSE class will have a class Team, which their Pastoral Teacher will use to post lesson resource and information updates.