Our young people are encouraged to develop an understanding of, and explore, the range of pathways and opportunities available post Peebles High School. From S3 onwards your child will be asked to complete a short survey each year on their current preferred pathway, career aspiration and intended leaving date. We are legally required to forward this information to Scottish Government. This information allows us to source potential industry partners and provide more effective and targeted communication of career related opportunities.
Careers Support
We have 2 Skills Development Scotland colleagues supporting us in Peebles High School; Mr Conway (Careers Adviser) and Ms Pollock (Work Coach). All young people benefit from support from our Skills Development Scotland partners both in the PSE programme and individually:
- S1: Group Work in PSE and 1:1 interviews with Pastoral
- S2: Group Work in PSE
- S3: Course Choice Interviews with Pastoral, 1:1 Careers Interviews with SDS Adviser, Targeted 1:1 Coaching with SDS Adviser. Groupwork in PSE
- S4: Groupwork in PSE, Targeted 1:1 Interviews with SDS Adviser or Work Coach
- S5/6: Targeted 1:1 Interviews with SDS Adviser or Work Coach
Targeted 1:1 Interviews and interventions aim to support those young people experiencing barriers to their learning. Any young person is free to seek support from our Careers Advisers.
Our Careers Advisers attend all Parents’ Evenings and appointments can be booked using the electronic booking system.
Developing our Young Workforce
Our DYW Co-ordinator, liaises with local businesses to help develop greater partnership working between subject teachers and industry. Monthly Steering Group Meetings take place with our DYW Board Member, DYW Co-ordinator, Industry representative and School Lead to plan DYW related activities. All DYW and Careers related activities are tracked and monitored through our Targeted Operating Model (TOM). Through collaborative planning we aim to ensure that ourstudents have a greater understanding of the Industry Sector expectations and also how the knowledge and skills they are developing in class can be applied to support their career aspirations. Our young people are able to participate in events arranged on an authority basis by DYW Borders, eg NHS Borders Virtual Work Experience, SkillsQuest Event (for Young Carers and Care Experienced). Each Year Team has a dedicated DYW & Pathways channel, where relevant opportunities and information are posted.
DYW Borders, supported by our Parent Council plan and deliver our hugely successful Careers Event, held in November each year.
In-person Work Placements
In 2022-23 we successfully re-introduced work placement for our S3s with 137 students completing a placement with 71 different placement providers. S3 work placement takes place in May (students cannot legally complete an independent placement during school time prior to this date.) Work Placements are managed by Gateway on behalf of Scottish Borders Council. Students can access a list of ready approved placement providers using the Workit Programme. Students will be issued with their login and password by email in S3. For students wishing to source their own provider, their host organisation must complete the application form, https://tinyurl.com/bordersplacement, which will be risk assessed and processed by Gateway. Organisations are required to have £10 million Employer Liability Insurance to be eligible for consideration.
Senior students may seek to carry out a work placement depending on their timetabled subject commitments. In the first instance they should approach their Pastoral Teacher for support with arranging this.
Once a placement has been approved, a Student Contract and Parental Consent Form must be completed and returned before the placement can legally commence. Students undertaking work placements are encouraged to achieve SQA accreditation by completing a Work Placement Logbook (click here for exemplar logbook) SBC Work Placements Logbook PHS 2024). In 2023-24 students will be asked to upload their completed logbook to their House Time Showbie class.
Please note – these arrangements only apply to placements being carried out during term time and within the school day. Private arrangements after school, at weekends or during holidays do not require school consent/approval.
Virtual Work Placements/Conferences
There are a growing number of organisations that are offering virtual work placements. Some of these may take place during the school day, others take place at weekends or during holidays. Your child should contact their Pastoral Teacher in the first instance if they wish to take part in a virtual placement that is taking place during the school day.
Speakers for Schools in a online platform that offers Virtual Placements on behalf of several organisations. Many of these are timed in line with English schools, so may take place in our school holidays. Your child will be required to register with the website to apply for these opportunities. Applications made through this platform require to be approved by the school (regardless of when they are taking place), therefore yourbchild should apply well in advance of any deadline as staff will not be accessing the platform to approve applications outwith term-time.
Medic Mentor provides valuable opportunities for those wishing to study Medicine or Dentistry. Supports on offer include “Get into” conferences, mentoring, scholarships and application advice.
Useful Pathways Related Resources
Click on the image to take you to the website.