The Senior Phase PSE Programme continues to focus on the key themes from the BGE Phase and your child will continue to participate in a mandatory 1 period per week of PSE throughout S4-S6.

As your child makes the transition to Senior Phase there will be a greater focus on developing Career Management Skills and supporting them to develop a greater understanding of Learner Pathways when they leave school.
In S6, due to the set deadlines for university applications, the initial focus of the PSE programme will be research into post PHS destinations; UCAS applications and preparation for College/Modern Apprenticeship and CVs for those intending to enter the workplace.
In addition to Pastoral support, early applicants for university (Oxbridge, Vets, Dentists, Medics) will be mentored and supported throughout the application process by a small group working in those professions, from our parental community.
Further information on the UCAS process can be found here.
In S5 and S6 our PSE Programme is enhanced by input from SAAS, LEAPS, Project Trust, Stewart Ivory Financial Education Trust.
Our partners from Skills Development Scotland and Developing the Young Workforce work alongside our Pastoral Team to provide careers advice, support and to source in-school and placement opportunities that will help our young people to develop their understanding of Industry Sectors relevant to their career aspirations. On a monthly basis the Pastoral Team and Partners meet to discuss leaver destinations at our 14+ Strategic Support Group and to determine interventions that may be required to support your young person to a positive destination post PHS.