Our school houses are :
Afton (house colour yellow)
Coyle (house colour green)
Fail (house colour blue)
Montgomerie (house colour red)
Pupils are allocated to a house in Primary 1 and would normally join the house of any older brothers or sisters.
If a pupil joins us through the school year then a house will be chosen for them according to spaces on that house and equal splits of classes
We are the House Captains for 2023 – 2024!
Monty – Sophie Hall and Corey Hood
Coyle – Bonnie Goudie and Hannah Watt
Afton – Hallie McPike and Noah Watters
Fail – Clay Wylie and Sophia Davidson
We are so excited to be House Captains in our last year at Tarbolton Primary. We are looking forward to having leadership opportunities and responsibilities around the school. Our first main role as captains will be to interview and appoint our Vice Captains from Primary 6. Throughout the year we will be encouraging and supporting younger pupils in the playground, managing the playground lines, and working together to set a good example of what it means to be a pupil at Tarbolton Primary. We love a bit of healthy competition so we can’t wait for all our inter-house challenges this year including our Big Jolly Christmas Quiz and Sports Day!
We are very happy to have been given this role and hope to make our teachers, parents, fellow pupils and ourselves proud!