Early Years Centre

Welcome to our Early Years Centre!

At Monkton, we encourage free-flow play between our main playroom, our quiet room and our outdoor area. The learning in all of our areas is responsive to our children’s interests. Our creative, fun-loving staff use the children’s interests to plan and provide high quality learning experiences which foster the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of our children. We also utilise our local environment by visiting the nearby park, shops and airport within our community.

We have great links with our Primary School and are actively involved in external activities being provided in the school. These close links help us to provide and support a smooth transition for children continuing their journey at Monkton into Primary One.

Our families are just as important to us as our children. We involve parents/carers in their child’s learning as much as possible and work in partnership in order to provide the best care and support for our children.

Our latest Care Inspectorate report can be found here:

EYC Care Inspectorate Report Sep 19

Duty of Candour – Monkton EYC – April 22 – March 23

Newsletter Term 1 -EYC

EYC – Term 3 and 4 newsletter


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