Releasing the Alevins!

Today, P6 released their alevins back into the River Ayr. The class have been carefully monitoring the water temperature and watching the young trout hatch from their eggs and grow. But it was time to set them free. Struan and Gordon from the Ayrshire River Trust came back to help release them and answer any questions. You can see more about this project in the P6 class blog.

Parent Voice Meeting Wednesday 1st March 2017 19:00

your-parent-council-needs-youOur meeting this term has been scheduled for Wednesday 1st March 2017 at 19:00 in the school staff room.

As I am sure you will appreciate not everyone can attend every meeting, therefore, it’s important that we have as many parents as possible on our group.  By being a member of the Holmston Parent Voice it allows you to have your say and find out what’s going on within the school at the earliest opportunity.

We are keen to have a representative from each class so please come along to the meeting on Wednesday night to support the school and help to enrich your child’s experiences at Holmston.


a-photoPlease note that the Ayr Advertiser photographer will be in the school on Thursday, 23rd February 2017 to take a class photograph of our P7 pupils.

Please could we ask that your child wears their white polo shirt and green sweatshirt on this occasion.

If you do not wish your child to be photographed, please let the school know in writing prior to the event.


logo-nikki-for-cc_v2Holmston Primary will be celebrating World Book Day with a variety of reading activities throughout the day.  We will be holding a design a book cover competition, a Where’s Wally? Competition and an Inter House Book Quiz.

Pupils are encouraged to bring in their favourite book to share and dress as a book character for the day.

Events also include a book swap. Pupils can bring in books that they no longer want from home and swap them with others in the school. Tokens will be given for each book brought in. Each token can be used to ‘purchase’ a new book during the book swap.

We would be delighted if any parents/grandparents/relatives would like to join us by reading an extract from your favourite book to the children.  If you are available, please contact the school office by Friday 24th February 2017.

P1 – P3 Future Me Campaign

future-meThe ‘Future Me’ campaign as part of Read, Write, Count, encourages families across Scotland to share their children’s dreams for the future.

‘Future Me’ aims to support families to start a conversation with their P1-3 children about their hopes and aspirations, which will ultimately help to improve their lives in the future. It asks families to share those dreams, either as a picture, letter or film on the ‘Future Me’ wall at The campaign builds on existing Scottish Government efforts to tackle educational inequalities and raise attainment in early years and beyond. With increasing time pressures on families, Read, Write, Count highlights easy activities built around everyday things families are already doing. Whether it’s going to the shops, travelling to school or at mealtimes, Read, Write, Count offers parents and carers simple ideas that will help children do their best at school.

All families in P1 – P3 will recieve a ‘Future Me’ leaflet home from school.

Click here for a copy of the toolkit.


Consultation on the South Ayrshire Children’s Service Plan

a-south-ayrshire-councilSouth Ayrshire Council are keen to hear the views on what’s important for children and families to help us to develop South Ayrshire’s Children’s Service Plan. This will help support joint working to enable children in South Ayrshire to be safe, healthy, achieve, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.

Services have been working together to identify what they see as the main priorities to focus on and we would like parents and carers to have their say by visiting

Please note the consultation will only take place between the 13th and 22nd February 2017.

To request the survey in another format contact the Council on 0300 123 0900

South Ayrshire School Clothing Bank


Providing new school uniforms to families experiencing financial hardship in South Ayrshire.

We work on a referral basis and work closely with South Ayrshire Foodbank, Home Link, Barnados, SeaScape and various agencies within South Ayrshire council who send us referrals and we supply what’s needed.

Anyone who is in a trusted position or in an organised group can refer a child to us. Here’s how…

Send us a message with the following information:

Name and address for items to go to
Sizes/ages/gender/school colours
any special items required ie blazer / gym kit

That’s it, one step we’ll sort the rest.
For any further information please contact
Nicola Cramond
FaceBook: SouthAyrshireSchoolClothingBank

Safer Internet Day

internetOur ‘GIRFEC’ focus for February is SAFE. As part of our work towards this, we have used the Safer Internet Day 2017 (07.02.17) to remind pupils about safe and positive behaviour on-line. The focus this year is on images and videos. During our assemblies we have thought about how images can be manipulated, the personal information a photo can give away and who can see the photo/video after it has been posted. Further information for parents can be found on  the right hand side menu and we are also hoping to have a workshop for parents during March  – further details to follow.