Website Review

Our new website is under development. If you have any ideas or features that you would like to be considered for the new website please leave a comment.

Have a go at the maths challenges – we will aim to have a new one up most weeks. Post your answer through a comment and explain your working. 10 points for a correct answer!

Maths Challenge of the Week (1) – Scottish Culture Week

broonsandoorwulliePaw Broon has won the Postcode lottery! Hooray!

He spent two thirds of his winnings on a baronial Highland castle.

He spent two thirds of what he had left  on a luxury yacht so he could take the family on a tour of the Scottish Islands and sea lochs.

Then he spent two thirds of what he had left on funding a scientific expedition to locate the Loch Ness Monster.

He spent his final £20,000 on treating Maw Broon to a week at Skibo Castle.

How much did Paw Brown win on the lottery?