This week it was great to have our parents become pupils for the day and join us in class to see how we learn.
This week it was great to have our parents become pupils for the day and join us in class to see how we learn.
We would like to invite all our Early Years Centre parents in for a short Stay and play Session on Tuesday 29th November where you can come and share in your child’s learning.
This Thursday (24th November) will be the last Football and Netball club until after the Christmas holidays.
The Netball (in school) and Football (at Kennedy Park) will begin again on Thursday 12th January 2017.
Many thanks to the parents who make it possible to run these clubs. The children thoroughly enjoy taking part and your input is greatly appreciated.
Please tell us what you think of our website. This information will help us to develop how we communicate with parents and help us to reduce the number of letters we have to send home via school bags.
Parents and families are invited to school on Thursday 24th November at 6pm to find out more about how we teach reading and literacy skills across Fisherton Primary an EYC.
The sessions will be led by Mrs McDowell who will give an over view of early level reading in the EYC. Mrs Eaglesham will give information on the 3 Read approach being delivered to P1 and P2, and, Mrs Hamilton will give an insight into our Book Clubs and Literacy Circles being used in P4-7.
I am certain this will be an informative and enjoyable evening which will help you supprot your child at home and help them develop their reading skills.