All posts by Miss McVie

Visit to the airport

Today our Early Years Centre went a visit to the airport, we have been talking about transport and what some of the differences are between them, so we decided to use the local 361 bus to take us to the train station and then got the train to the airport. The children had a great time and were looking at numbers, signs, colours, and sizes in the local environment around them.  The children had a surprise visitor at the airport when 2 residents from South lodge care home came to visit us. They played hide and seek with Harry and helped him to take some pictures as he hadn’t been in the airport in over 50 years!! The only disappointment of the day was that the children were not happy that they didn’t get to go on a plane …… maybe next time !

“We need to go back, I need to pack my case and go on the plane”

” I go up the stairs on the plane to big Americas!”

“Trains don’t have wheels!!!”

Elf Antics

Twinkle the elf came back to visit us, the children are  having a great time trying to find him and see what he has been up to everyday!

“He’s a cheeky Elf and makes a BIG mess”

“Maybe if he be good today Santa will pick him up and he’ll be excited, he’s a good elf doing lots of fun things”

“He’s a cheeky elf and made a mess of the nursery with balls everywhere!!!”

Trip to Culzean looking for conkers and signs of Autumn (2.10.18)

At Culzean we looked for conkers, leaves, Acorns and lots of signs of Autumn. There was lots of lovey colours, but we couldn’t find any conkers! We collected some Acorns, leaves, Pine cones, and Berries to display on our Harvest table.

“Don’t eat the Berries…..they are for the birds!”