Our JRSOs delivered an input at our assembly, reminding pupils of the importance of staying safe.
They also set up a stall at Parents Night.
Our JRSOs delivered an input at our assembly, reminding pupils of the importance of staying safe.
They also set up a stall at Parents Night.
Well done to those in the Big Class whose achievements and successes were recognised this week at assembly.
Martha got an Achievement Award for organising our charity event today. It all came from her and to date she has raised a whopping £485.
Brigham and Tegwen were joint Dojo Champs this week. Well done!
The Big Class had a personal project and presentation to deliver last week. The hard work and creativity put into these projects was phenomenal. Certificates were given to Brigham, Nathan and Martha in respect of their efforts. All projects will be available to view in the school on Wednesday.
Well done to all those whose successes we celebrated at assembly.
Kyra won Dojo Champ, Mia got a Literacy Award for her poem about ice cream and Leith was awarded a Maths Certificate for working hard and being able to give change from 20p.
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Friday 4th May at 9.00am in the school. Please come along. All are welcome.
Last PC minutes: Fisherton Minutes 14.3.18
Netball coaching takes place every Thursday after school. Open to P.5 – 7. The sessions are being run by Elaine Gibson and Linda Izatt.
At this week’s assembly we celebrated the achievements of our swim team who won a host of rosettes at the Carrick Swimming Gala as well as taking away the Village School Shield. We are all so proud of each and every one of you.
Nikkita received a Maths Award for her budgeting skills during Financial Education Week and Christopher was this week’s Dojo Champ. Great job.
The wee class had many successes and achievements last week which we shared at assembly.
Lacey and Oscar both received Handwriting Awards for neat writing and staying on the line.
Lacey also got a literacy award from Mrs Blain for her hard work doing the 5 Minute Box and Charlie was this week’s Dojo Champ in the wee class. Well done to you all.