Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all well. I am going to use this webpage to post some useful information about Health and Wellbeing during this break from school. I will upload health and wellbeing activities on a Tuesday and a Thursday.
Mental Health
It can be a very anxious time for everyone so I have included some links om how to cope with stress and how to discuss the virus with your child. I am going to collate some resources which will help deal with worries and anxious feelings and I will post them below! This is a very strange time for everyone so make sure you take time to relax and take care of yourself. All the school work given is a suggestion guide and doesn’t need to all be completed, there is no pressure from your teachers. Take your time, take time to relax every day, maybe enjoy a new hobby but most of all keep calm and keep safe. We miss you all and can’t wait to see you again.
Mrs Kay xx
Parent resources to use with pupils to explain coronavirus to children: https://www.cosla.gov.uk/system/files/private/covid19adviceforsupportingchildrenandyoungpeople.pdf Video cartoon to explain coronavirus to pupils: https://ineqe.com/2020/03/20/animation-story-book-explains-the-coronavirus-to-children/
2.6.20 – Health and Wellbeing Tasks
Health and Wellbeing Tasks – 2.6.20
25.5.20 – Health and Wellbeing Tasks
Health and Wellbeing Tasks – 27.4.20
18.5.20 – Health and Wellbeing Tasks
Health and Wellbeing Tasks – 18.5.20
11.5.20 – Health and Wellbeing Tasks
Health and Wellbeing Tasks – 12.5.20
5.5.20 – Health and Wellbeing Tasks
Health and Wellbeing Tasks – 5.5.20
27.4.20 – Health and Wellbeing Tasks
Health and Wellbeing Tasks – 27.4.20
23.3.20 – I spy a Rainbow challenge As many people are inside during this time a lot of people have started to post Rainbows up in their window. These rainbows are a sign of hope and that after a storm a rainbow will appear. We would love it if you could decorate your windows in the same way by putting a rainbow up in your window in your house. This can be done in any way – painted, collaged, drawn, However, you decide. This will be a cheery sign for all your neighbours to see. I’ve attached some examples for you to see below: Have fun!
23.3.20 – The body Coach Fitness Every day this week at 9am Joe Wicks will do an online workout for all pupils at home. I’ve copied the link below so you can ‘Wake and Shake’ at 9am every morning this week. https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
26.3.20 – Jar of Wishes Morning Everyone! Hope you are all safe and well. Being in the house can get a bit boring so why not try a ‘jar of fun’ or ‘wishlist’. Every time you wish you could do something, go somewhere, treat yourself, see someone you love, visit a new place, invite people to visit you then write it either on a post it and store in a jar or tub or list it down.
When all this is over work through the list and you’ll be more grateful than ever for the little things in your life. Until then enjoy watching this fill with magical things to look forward to.
26.3.20 – Yoga If you need time to think and parents need a bit of peace and quiet then tune into some yoga. You can find this online where you can do a free trial or you can search youtube for some magical adventures you can do without leaving your living room. for younger children: https://www.cosmickids.com/ For older Children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td6zFtZPkJ4
31.3.20 – I spy a Sunshine Challenge
Last week there were lots of beautiful rainbows up in the windows to cheer everyone up and this weeks challenge is a sunshine. The sun is shining at the moment so put up a beautiful one in your window for all to see.
31.3.20 – Positive Thoughts
This first week has been tough but there have been some positives and it’s important for our mental health to always look for the positive. For each week you are off write down your highlight. What have you enjoyed or done that you wouldn’t have normally done?
For me I have managed to eat more meals with my family. This doesn’t usually happen as we are out at clubs or work. I have also done some lego building with the kids and danced with Oti. These were highlights of my week.
21/4/20 – Reflections
Hope you all had a relaxing Easter Break and managed to enjoy some of the sunshine. Its lovely to talk to you all again but I’d much rather be seeing all your faces!
This week I thought it may be nice to do some family art to remember your time in the house, it’s such an unusual event and in the future would be interesting to look back on and be able to tell people about it. I have several options for you to choose:
A diary – detailing what you have been doing during this time
A scrapbook – like a diary but with pictures, drawings and writing
A handprint family picture – see example below. The sentence reads ‘ During a time when the world needed everyone to stay apart… Together was our favourite place to be’ The *** Family Lockdown 2020
Assembly Time
We usually sing ‘The school rules’ song at the start of a new term so Ive included the link for you to sing along this afternoon!
If you are feeling like an extra challenge can you rewrite some of the song to make it ‘The homeschool rules song!’ what rules have your family put in place during the day! I’d really like you to share some of your songs on teams.