Braehead Primary School and Early Years Centre

South Ayrshire Council

Primary 1C – Mrs Clayton

Welcome to Primary 1C

We hope that you enjoy exploring our webpage. Our teacher is Mrs Clayton, and our School Assistant is Mrs McNee. We have an incredibly busy year ahead and we are all very excited to learn new skills and knowledge. Our gym days are on Tuesday and Friday. Reading homework will be handed out on a Monday and collected in on a Thursday, but please remember to bring your homework bag to school every day!

This year we are covering these topics (but this may change!):

All About Me

Toys of the Past

Wonderful Weather

Plants and Growing Things


In Literacy we will be using our Phonics to learn to read and write. We will be doing Talk for Writing where we will learn how to tell a story in different ways.

In Maths we will be learning all about

Numbers (counting, adding, subtracting, doubling), 2D and 3D shape, Symmetry, Money, Patterns, Time, Fractions, Measure and Data Handling.

In Art we will learn how to create images using lots of different materials and we will discover the work of different artists.

In RME we will explore stories and festivals from Christianity and other World Religions.

In Science we will investigate our senses and explore forces, properties of materials, how plants grow… and lots more!

Throughout all our activities we will be learning through teacher-led activities and lots of child-led play!

To see some more of the wonderful learning that has been happening in Primary 1C, please visit:

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