Pupil Council

In Barassie Primary School pupils have an important part to play in making decisions about the life and work of the school. One of the ways in which pupils can have their say and make sure that their views and ideas are listened to is through the Pupil Council. Each representative can put forward class views at the pupil council meetings and it also gives pupils the chance to tell teachers and staff their ideas.

What Does our Pupil Council Do?

During our meetings important issues are discussed, ideas are shared and action plans are made. Everyone has an equal opportunity to talk and be listened to and it is the chairperson’s job to make sure the members of the pupil council show respect for each other. After the meetings, representatives report back to their classes about issues that have been discussed.

The pupil council involves pupils in decisions that affect themselves, their class and their school and also helps them to gain confidence to voice their ideas and opinions. It also gives pupils responsibilities, which encourage them to become active citizens.



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