Tag Archives: #RightsRespectingSchools

Rights Respecting Schools – Article 28

Article 28: Every child has the right to an education

The boys and girls of Wallace Primary School have been helping the children of William Village in Malawi to get an education.
There are no schools in William Village and the nearest school is too far to travel to so no-one goes to school. A group of volunteers from Renfrewshire Council plan to travel to Malawi in September to build a school for the children.
We helped by collecting aluminium cans – we collected 6403 altoghether! The cans were sold to a recycling company and the money raised will help to buy building materials for William Village school.


On Thursday 28th May we had some visitors from Utange, Kenya! The group were part of a school choir, raising money for their school back home. They treated us to some singing and dancing during assembly, played with us outside, visited us in our classes and stayed for some lunch. We celebrated their arrival with an out of uniform ‘Chuck it in the Bucket’ day which raised £400!! Click below to see a video of the Kenyan choir perform during assembly.

The Kenyan choir and Wallace Primary choir also performed together at Renfrew Town Hall. We all had lots of fun and hope to meet our Kenyan friends again soon. For more information visit www.educatethekids.com