All posts by Miss Satera

This week in maths!


This week we are focussing on subtraction.  We’re starting with 2 digit numbers but will very quickly move onto 3 digits.  Please have a go of the subtraction game we are playing in class.  And remember to keep practising those “Learn Its”!

Here is an additional task if  you would like to practise at home: Homelink 24



Ancient Egypt!

We have learned so much about life and beliefs in Ancient Egypt.  What a fantastic time we have had!  We built pyramids, created Tutankhamen death masks, wrote in hieroglyphics and even tried some Ancient Egyptian delicacies!

We wrote about mummification.

Ancient Egypt

Max knows something we don’t know!

No doubt you will have already heard that our topic this term is Ancient Egypt.  You will be invited to the Opening of the Mummy’s Tomb.  Until then, here’s a sneak preview of what to expect…

Learning about sugar is sweet!

Primary 4 have been learning about sugar content and the importance of nutrition and a well-balanced diet.  They created their own advertisements persuading their classmates to cut out the added sugar.  Who knew that a Crème Egg has 17 spoonfuls of sugar in it?!

Darcy the dentist is warning about the dangers of too much sugar.
This advert reminds us how much fun it can be to exercise with friends!
TJ persuades his friends to give up sugary drinks in this advert!
Adam is shocked by the sugar content in his favourite snack!
There are so many different ways to burn off sugar!
Lauren looks exhausted after demonstrating an effective workout!
Holly shares some interesting facts about sugar.
The boys decide they can enjoy treats after they do their workout!
The boys don’t look like they’re convinced. How bad are lollipops…?


The boys convinced Jack that fizzy drinks aren’t the best choice.

It’s That Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Primary 4 are looking forward to all of this years’ festivities!  The pupil Christmas lunch is this Thursday, 7th December.   Santa hats and reindeer antlers at the ready!

This Friday is our annual Talent Show!  A massive thanks to all those who auditioned!!  Who knew one class could have so much talent?

The Primary 4 party will take place on Friday, 15th December.  Snacks will be provided.  Children can come wearing party clothes or feel free to change once they have arrived at school.

Wishing you all a wonderful advent!

Miss Satera and Mr Pateron