All posts by Mrs Brooker

Anti-bullying Policy (Draft)

Following consultation with pupils, parents and staff we have updated the school Anti-bullying Policy.  Throughout the policy there is evidence of all school stakeholder’s feedback.  In addition, Appendix 1 shares the results of the parental online survey.

The Anti-bullying Policy remains in draft format before it can be officially launched.  At this stage we welcome parents/carers input.  The policy will be presented and discussed at the Parent Council AGM on Monday 14 January 2019, 7pm.  Should you be unable to attend this meeting, written feedback is also welcome through email at  We ask that this is submitted by Friday 18 January.

Anti-bullying Policy – Wallace PS and NC

P7 Leading Learning – Greenpeace

Some Primary 7 pupils have been inspired by their teaching and learning and wanted to share this with the whole school.  The children shared what they had learned about Greenpeace, palm oil, deforestation and animal extinction.  Well done to these children for leading by example.  #ambition #Learning Together #Succeeding Together


Wellbeing Work at Assembly

At assembly today the children were introduced to the Wellbeing Wheel.  They were very confident in sharing suggestions and giving examples under each of the well-being indicators.  #safe #healthy #active #nurtured #achieving #respected #responsible #included #SHANARRI

Early Maths in Action

@AttainREN #MWSNREN #engagement

There was fun and excitement with numbers, money, shape and measure in the nursery as part of Maths Week celebrations.  The Primary 6 pupils were given the task to create fun and engaging maths activities for the children in the nursery.   Using the theme of Beauty and the Beast the Primary 6 pupils planned a range of activities such as ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf’, creating patterns on Belle’s dress, comparing nursery children’s size to that of Beauty and the Beast, searching for numbers in the water and setting up a cafe in the snack area where the children took orders and had money to ‘pay’ for their snack.  The Primary 6 Pupils were very effective in leading the learning.  (Happy Together. Learning Together. Succeeding Together)